This Little Piggy

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This Little Piggy.

"I'll bribe him with.. tickets to the opera."

BECKETT WATCHED AS THE BOY across from her smiled, taking her hand. It was the best date of her life. She was happy. He wasn't like the other boys she'd been on dates with before. He was the one. She knew he was.

"Beckett?" The boy asked, softly, gaining her attention. She blinked, squinting at his for some reason blurry face.

"Yes?" She asked, excited.

"Can I kiss you?"

The girl launched forward and grabbed the boys face, kissing him more passionately then she had ever kissed before. This was what she had been longing for.

She pulled back, the face of the boy finally becoming clear. It was...


Beckett's eyes snapped open and she gasped, coming face to face with a pig. She quickly wiped her face, becoming very aware with the fact she had been kissing this pig and not... oh god. No, no, no!

She gagged, though she wasn't sure if it was because of the pig or because of... whatever that was!

"Little Cory!" She groaned, grabbing the tiny pig and banishing him to the floor. 'Little Cory' was Shawn's new pet, if you could even call it that. He was a little pig they had stumbled upon while visiting the trailer park ditch where they used to live (what? It was nice to reminisce.).

As she watched the pig waddle it's way out of her room, she put a hand to her cheek, noticing how warm it felt. She was blushing deeply from embarrassment, feeling the effects of that utterly disturbing dream.

She would take it to her grave.


There was something really awkward about her and Eric these days. She was sitting at his kitchen table, mulling over the colleges she had applied to, while he stood behind her, close behind, a worried expression etched on his face. He was worried about his own school choices, not having been as on top of it as she had been.

Meanwhile, all she could think about was his proximity after.. the strange dream she had. Why her? Why had her brain decided to do what it did? Whatever it meant, she didn't like it. She tried desperately to keep her head down in her informational packets, hoping to provide insight, but she just couldn't focus.

She felt like she was going to throw up.

"Eric!" She finally said, snapping her head up hotly. He backed away quickly, giving her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry.." He said nervously, finally finding his way onto the chair next to her. Their knees brushed slightly, making her recoil. He didn't seem to notice, luckily.

"What does that uh, book of yours say?" She asked, nodding towards the 'Girls Of the Ivy Leagues' book in his hand. How typical.

"Well... the school on the cover looks nice?" He mentioned, unsure. He pointed to the cover, "Uh, Yall-aye?"

"Yale?" Beckett responded, incredulous. When the boy nodded, she only smiled, "That's a pretty hard school to get into."

"But the girl on the raft is pretty." He grumpily said, staring at the girl on the cover. Beckett rolled her eyes,

"There's plenty of other girls at other schools. Besides, even if you did get into Yale, all of those girls are super smart. They'll all be into sophisticated things like... opera and book clubs."

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