Brother, Brother

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this is a double upload! Make sure to read 'The Happiest Show On Earth' before this one!

Brother, Brother.

"..You people really know how to party."

THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL was filled with laughter and the loud pounding of shoes running through the halls. Beck was carrying a box of things from her locker, having just spent the last half hour of her life cleaning it out.

Since she had somehow managed to keep the same locker for her entire high school career, a lot of the items inside were nostalgic. Most of it had been granola bar wrappers, pictures of The Outsiders and Mick Jagger taped on the inside of the door, and a random assortment of stupid toys and little things she had collected.

The most shocking part, however, was a small stack of folded letters and post-it notes from when she had dated Jason. She didn't know why she had kept it, but looking through them made her sad. She hadn't seen him too much these days, but last she heard he was going to attend college somewhere in San Francisco.

She walked down the hall and found Eric at his own locker, throwing things into a trashcan. She smiled down at a specific post-it note from when she had gotten Jason Aerosmith tickets. He had put a bunch in her locker about how excited he was, but he had ended up getting sick.

"Hey, Eric," She nudged the boy and showed him the post-it, which made him roll his eyes,

"Why do you still have those? He totally ignored the both of us this year!"

"Ah, whatever.." Beck shrugged, though she could keep a grudge like any other, "I just thought it was a funny memory. Going to Aerosmith with your parents... god, you were so mad!" She laughed at him, and he muttered some insignificant comeback with a smile.

"Hey! Matthews, Beck!" Jonathan and Eli approached the pair, a box of their own in hand, "Just the two I was looking for."

"What did we do now?" Beck sighed, defeated. She wondered if it was possibly to get detention your last day of high school ever.

"No, no," Turner waved a hand, "The teachers got together and well... we have a few things for you."

"Aw, thanks, guys," Eric cooed, "Graduation gift?"

"Confiscation gift!" Eli corrected, reaching into the box, "You get your stuff back as promised."

He handed Eric a big piece of fabric, which the boy immediately recognized, "Hey! My giant underpants! These always got a laugh!"

"Yeah, when I was the victim." Beck rolled her eyes, not wanting to remember what a fourteen year old Eric called 'funny'.

She peered into the box, being transported back in time. Most of it was Eric's, but there were a few things from Beck's earlier years, when she was more of a troublemaker.

Pop-it firecrackers, a mouse trap, and the fake zombie she had stored in Eric's locker as a jump scare—It worked every time!

"And my personal favorite.." Turner reached into the box, "The Feeny puppet."

The small puppet was actually funny, Beck had to admit. A smile pressed onto her face as Eric stuck the puppet onto his hand,

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