The Happiest Show On Earth

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The Happiest Show On Earth.

"I don't wanna lose you as a friend,       ever."


That's what they had called it when she was diagnosed. They had given her a long list of symptoms to look through, she was drilled by the doctor, and then it was confirmed.

To Beck, that meant she was insane. She didn't know anyone else who had anxiety, and she definitely didn't know anyone who had mental illness in general. But, to her surprise, she wasn't thrown in the looney bin.

Instead, she was given antidepressants and a therapist named Tiphany. It was a very expensive ordeal that she immediately felt guilty about—the generous Turner, who was staying in their lives despite the move, insisted on helping with pay— though Tiphany assured her everything would be fine.

And it was. It had been a lot to get used to, opening up being something she had never been all that good at, as well as the side effects of her medication, but eventually everything started to become stable. Ish.

As well as all this, there was settling back into the trailer park, which had been a lot easier then expected. She slept better then she had in months! It was like the sounds and chaos that the night held were a comfort to her, and Shawn definitely felt the same way.

It still felt weird to walk around their old home without their mom there, but it was a price they were all willing to pay to just be together. Chet wasn't exactly father of the year, but he was certainly trying.

And now, as her senior year was slowly coming to a close, things were falling into place. There were some unanswered questions, such as the whole 'half-brother's family paying for my college' ordeal that still need answering, and the fact that she had to actually go to class, but things were looking up.


Beckett hadn't seen Shawn all morning, and although that would usually worry her, she was sure he would be at school when she got there. Or she would get it out of someone.

That 'someone' was of course, Cory Matthews, who she found walking with his brother after third period. It was an odd sight, seeing them together, but she didn't question it.

"Hey, Eric! Hey, Cory—" The girl began, but stilled in her tracks. Confusion overcame her features. Eric looked back at her with wide eyes, staying silent. She reached a hand forward to touch Cory's face, coming to the realization that this wasn't the boy, and in fact a life sized doll wearing his clothes, "Do I want to know?"

Eric pursed his lips, "Cory's at Disney world trying to win back Topanaga."

"I didn't realize they'd split in the first place?" Beck asked, her wary gaze not leaving the extremely creepy doll.

"Well you gotta keep up!" Eric rolled his eyes as he hoisted the doll up, "Him and Shawn left this morning—" He froze and winced, "I wasn't supposed to tell you that last part."

And there it was!

"Shawn left the state?" Beck blinked with wide eyes, "And he didn't invite me?"

Eric sighed, "They'll be back tomorrow night. I just gotta cover for Cory until then." He gestured to the doll, "Hey, you don't happen to have a Shawn version of this, do you?"

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