026 | now we're even

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"Good morning, Miss Howard. How was your weekend?"

A sweet, dulcet voice elates Kallista out of her thoughts. Clutching onto two cups of coffee-to-go, she halts in front of Rose's desk — the secretary to the Auror's office.

The witch offers a beautiful, bright smile that has her blues eyes twinkling. Motioning her occupied hands in the air, she replies with a hint of amusement, "It was... blurry."

With one glance, the secretary chuckles, understanding the meaning behind Kallista's explanation. She eyes the cups of coffee, emitting a motion with her chin towards them, "Coming to bring these to Mister Malfoy?"

Kallista nods, "Has he arrived yet? I left before he did this morning."

Truth is, they've been avoiding each other. Correction: she has been escaping her reality — because that's what she does best.

After admitting to Draco she's never, ever despised him, he stared into her eyes in complete and utter shock. The revelation itself was enough to fully sober him up. He stood there, trying to breathe, trying to think of something to say. Being too slow and too caught up in the moment, he had let her slip through his fingers. Kallista ended up leaving him on the rooftop alone.

It took him twenty minutes to collect himself and go back down into the penthouse.

Kallista doesn't want to admit that some confessions from the other night have been stirring and consuming her mind. She doesn't like the way her body reacts to his touch. Doesn't like how her thoughts are always brought back to him — no matter how hard she tries to keep herself busy.

Her night might have been blurry — for the most part — but she can't let go of the fact that Draco told her, openly and unashamed, that he wants to protect her. Kill for her.

"—He came in about ten minutes ago."

Kallista winks at Rose, noticing the tint of blush creeping up on the latter's cheeks before turning onto her heels. "Thanks, Rose," she smiles.

Down the hallway, she sees Draco leaning against the doorframe of his office, dressed in a white button down tucked into grey trousers. Arms crossed over his chest, she almost trips over her own feet at the sight of his evident muscles hidden underneath the tight fabric.

But when Kallista's eyes land on his interlocutor, she straightens herself and fights the urge to compress the cups in between her hands.

Standing right before him, hands gripping tightly onto the expensive bag she holds, Giada Lannister talks to the Auror in a quiet voice that catches his full attention.

The sound of Kallista's confident steps echoing through the hallway diverts Draco's gaze from the witch talking to him.

His face, stone cold and expressionless as he watches Kallista march towards him is a full contrast to his eyes. His hues shift from stormy grey to pearly, something flickering inside them as he holds the brunette's ocean gaze — just like thunder lighting the apocalyptic sky.

"Good morning," Kallista beams too excitingly for his liking. He doesn't hide his narrowed eyes before lingering his stare over her tense features. She tends a cup to Draco, which he gratefully accepts by brushing his fingers to hers whilst taking a hold of it.

Their eyes lock and sparks rush through their veins.

Her breath hitches inside her throat, and he notices it. Clearing his throat, he conceals the sound of his hammering heartbeat inside his thoracic cage.

"Good morning," he replies hoarsely, letting the corners of his lips tug into the faintest smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I figured you needed this since you woke up late." She turns to Lannister who looks around the empty hallway, her red lips pressed into a thin line. When Kallista clears her throat, the other witch holds her gaze and a tight smile draws itself on her lips. "Lannister. How are you on this sunny Monday morning?"

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