036 | the wedding pt.2 - confessions

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A golden band is now adorning her ring finger.

Kallista had been so enchanted and mystified by the magic emerging from her soul and Draco's that she didn't feel the scorching touch upon her finger when a wedding ring magically appeared.

The sun's rays beam upon her frame, and there is this specific glimmer directly glowing on her new bijou. She delicately traces the marriage token with the tip of her other forefinger, afraid that if she applies too much pressure, it would suddenly vanish.

Curious by how it has locked itself around her digit, she tries to take it off—but it's impossible.

"We made a bargain. It's impossible to take it off unless—"

When Draco stops mid-sentence, she frowns. She nearly turns around, feeling the vehemence of his scrutiny pierce the back of her head. But she doesn't dare meet his gaze, because she knows a foreign vulnerability is drawn on her face.

Draco clears his throat whilst letting a few heartbeats pass. When she hears his footsteps on the gravel approach, she inhales sharply. "Unless we don't reciprocate feelings for each other anymore."

In such little amount of time, she has never felt her heart threatening to cease beating that much. She fears that if she doesn't breathe deeply, her organ will end up exploding into irreparable pieces.

She knew it—that she feels for Draco more than she has ever felt for anyone in her whole damned life. But she has been trying to embed into her mind that she didn't, and couldn't, like him.

I don't like him. I don't have feelings for him. This is all a lie. And she would repeat this like a mantra.

It is no surprise that Kallista has been lying to herself for months now. But she was amazed to see all that magic bind their hearts and souls. A ring is something physical. Something she can touch and stare at for as long as she wants to, but it doesn't equal the way she feels. Doesn't match that sensation of being tied to Draco by an invisible string. Doesn't compare to any other feeling in the world knowing he, too, burns for her just like she does for him.

"Why do you keep running away from me?" he had asked whilst she was running down the stairs leading to a more intimate part of the garden where trees are keeping a small lake hidden.

She had heard Finlay reassure the guests everything was okay and under control. "Our newly-wed couple wants to have a bit of privacy to celebrate their love alone. I invite you all, beautiful people, to join our families and I towards the back of this gorgeous estate where a banquet is awaiting for us."

Kallista has never been more grateful for her brother.

In other circumstances, she would have turned around, saying something similar to "the world doesn't revolve around you, Malfoy." And perhaps he would have teased her with a wry smirk as saying, "Are you sure? Because I think you're obsessed with me."

But now, she keeps her back turned to him. Shields her face from his gaze because a tear has escaped her eye. The whole time, during the whole ceremony, she could feel the burn of tears swelling up. Could feel the lump inside her throat grow ever so slowly because every single one of his words felt like receiving a stab in the heart—and not necessarily in an odd way.

Kallista is scared. So, so scared to have fallen. So afraid of what might happen if he uses her.

"Kallista," Draco murmurs.

Even without seeing his face, she hears the torment in his hoarse voice. She can only take a guess that he is as upset as her to be witnessing her reaction.

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