031 | i feel like i'm drowning

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"Where is she?"

Obvious panic arises, chills rising on Draco's spine as he storms into the corridor, his Auror's cloak floating in the air whilst he takes long strides. Wrath radiates off of him like flames ready to burn his entourage to ashes, the people around him not daring to meet his gaze, feared by his threatening voice and his lethal eyes.

"Where is my wife?" His voice reverberates like a roar, evident outrage and dismay laced to his deep tone. Unyielding anger shines in his silver hues—he is about to explode with rage and disquietude.

The moment Draco enters Kallista's office, his gaze falls on Kaïa and Finlay chatting with quiet voices, frowns plastered on their faces.

"She's not here," Finlay notes with troubled eyes once his gaze falls upon the Auror, plopping on a chair with a defeated sigh.

"Fuck," Draco mumbles whilst passing his hand through his locks. He looks at Kaïa who chews the inside of her cheek, visibly thinking as her brows are drawn together. "Miller?"

"She didn't come back," she notes with a small shake of her head.

"God damn it," Draco groans with frustration and nervousness and growing tension, "Has either of you seen her this morning?"

Finlay throws his head back, his blue eyes observing the ceiling, "Kaïa did but they didn't talk."

The hammering rhythm of his heartbeat sends Draco's mind into overdrive as questions cloud his thoughts. A bubble of agitation grows in the pit of his stomach and he rubs his hands over his face.

"I'll find her," Draco states.

He meets with Finn's gaze, and only then does he notice that he has the same turquoise eyes as his sister. The brunet sends him a look — a silent thank you that is laced to the waves of worrisome and upset emotions in his azure stare.

Turning around, he steps into the corridor, seeing that curious eyes are observing him. Kaïa's soft voice makes him whirl around, "Draco— take care of her, okay?"

He merely nods, but his eyes say everything — I promise.


At the thought of Kallista being unwell and in possible danger, Draco can't help but feel like wanting to tear the whole world apart to find her and make sure she is safe.

He went to the pub — thinking that maybe all she needed was a glass, or ten, of wine. But when he asked Auden if he had seen her, he only lazily replied that it had been a while since he had seen the witch.

He went out of town, to the small café they went to last weekend because maybe all she wanted were some fresh pancakes.

He went to the library, walked through each and every single aisle, hoping to find her sitting against a bookshelf and reading the books she loves so much.

No sign of Kallista.

And Draco doesn't understand what happened. How it happened.

And the last place he goes to, hoping to find her there, is home.

His features are hard, his eyes sharp and his heart pounding as he walks into the foyer, hands buried in the pockets of his uniform.

He checks the kitchen, the bathroom, her bedroom and even his bedroom. But she isn't there.

It is only when he walks towards the large windows, deep in his thoughts that he notices the door to the balcony slightly ajar.

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