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Trekking back to the ruins of my house, a smell I recognised drifted on the wind and instinctively I rolled my eyes. Of course, Grahame would choose this moment to turn up. He was standing at the opening where I should have a front door, watching me through the shambles as I approached. Clad head to toe in dark colours, a hood was pulled low over his face to conceal a brimmed hat and heavy sunglasses, his oversized hoody seemed at odds with his front-pressed work trousers.

"Where is Stan?" He demanded before I'd even entered my back door.

"Nice to see you again too."

He growled, showing a sharpened tooth. "What have you done to him?"

I trod over broken glass to head into the kitchen, pointedly not glancing in his direction. "I can assure you, anything that happens to Leofstan is because of his own choices." I'd tried to warn the guy after all.

He bristled angrily. "Let me in."

Well, at least one of the two councilmen could respect territorial boundaries. Pointing to the shattered wood, "There's no door," I gestured for him to let himself in.

He bared the front of his teeth. "If you haven't noticed, I am a vampire." His blood-red eyes were fixed on me, face in a scowl.

"Good for you." I encouraged. If possible, a vein bulged on his forehead.

"Vampires may not pass a threshold without an invitation." He hissed.

The vampirism perks were quickly becoming less appealing. However, if I invited him in I could carry on finding some breakfast instead of trying to listen to the conversation.

With a shrug, "Oh, Grahame, master vampire, mighty warrior. Hero of the undead, will you please oh please enter the remaining rubble of what I call home?" I asked sarcastically.

Before my next blink, I was being slammed against the wall, hand around my neck. The aroma of dried blood leaked into the room and two very sharp fangs were in front of my face. So fast! Awesome. My feet were dangling, and I made a show of placing my hands on his arm keeping my neck up. I'd rather not have a crushed windpipe.

"I am in no mood for games, little girl." He snarled. "Your next sentence better tell me what you have done with him, or I will snap your neck."

He could try. "Kinky." I taunted.

His grip tightened.

As did mine on his arm.

Blood-red eyes swivelled to where my hands were ever so slowly applying pressure. I for one, did not mind playing along. If we got to arm wrestle after this, even better. Grahame tightened his grip and my breath constricted. In return, his bone began to crack. Snarling, he opened his mouth to bite.

This was it. My journey into becoming a vampire-dragon, or a Vamp-agon was going to become real! I couldn't hide a small giggle as I prepared for the bite.

Grahame dropped me and I landed on my feet with a soft plod. Aww. So close.

His face was distorted in what I could only describe as disgust, as he held his arm, bent at an odd angle. Before my eyes it realigned, the bruise fading. Eyebrows drawn and eyes slanted he turned his attention to me.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked. "I was looking forward to being all vamped up." A pout crept into my voice.

"No human can break bones!" He accused, taking a deep inhale. "I don't believe you are as innocent about your nature as you claim to be. Only two-natured beings are this strong." He realigned his hood over his hat. "Besides you cannot become a vampire from a bite." Grahame rasped mockingly. Now that was a surprise. "Stop wasting both of our time, where is he?"

Dangerous Diabolical: Book 1 (Iridescent) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now