Chapter 9 - Perfect blend

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From his wrist glinted the gold of a watch and around his neck several types of chain and cord. On his thumb sat a heavy set ring with a black stone, and I had no doubts that they were holding some kind of enchantment. Biting my lip, I considered what they'd look like on me; much better, of course. Tilting his head, he regarded me curiously.

"So you are Leofstan's latest anomaly." It wasn't a question. The door snapped closed behind us. Grahame and Leo moved to take seats at the table. Instead of the dim musty smell of the building, a freshness rolled over the room. I glanced to check the door was truly shut, inhaling to try and identify where the source of clean air stemmed from. The room was too quiet for it to be the air-conditioning to be running.

"This is Celandine Doukas," Grahame confirmed. My attention turned back to the room, the three men sat, all pairs of eyes on me. Grahame's arms were crossed, as he slouched back in his chair, good. I'd had quite enough of him trying to wrap them around my neck. The bruises were starting to ache. Leo had chained his fingers under his chin, observing out of his peripheral vision. The centre man still openly studied me.

"You're speaking to the head of the council." Grahame supplied. Behind the vamp was a long console table, a black ornately carved box the colour matching the man's ring.

"You may call me Caesarius." The man added.

I ran the name over my tongue, certain it had never before passed my lips. He was as stocky as Grahame, but as tall as Leo, even from across the room there was an unarguable pressure emanating from him. This was the man they'd eluded to as being able to channel more magic than Leo when I was in the hospital.

I fought to keep my breathing even. My heartbeat threatened to speed up, and I desperately clung to the memory of being submerged in comfort under my duvet. An extra thump echoed and I shuffled onto the other foot to hide it. I didn't know what powers he had, and considering the other two men in the room had tried to kill me recently, I needed to remain confident. They could treat me like prey, but I would not act as such.

"Sure." I greeted, with a nod of the head, trying to act casual. Was I meant to shake his hand?

He merely blinked slowly at me, "I would appreciate it if you stopped trying to remove all of the magic from the room." He was stern. "The enchantments in here are of a delicate nature."

A smirk crept into the corner of my lips before I quashed it. I wasn't sure how he'd noticed, but it was an impressive trick, unfortunately placing my mission to absorb all of the passive fae magic on hold.

"Thank you." He acknowledged, gesturing to a seat. "Please join us." And there it was again; I knew I'd never seen him before, but the gesture seemed so familiar. He moved with a controlled pace, slowly as if not to frighten, but sharp as if short on time.

"We have not met before, however, I do appear prevalently on a lot of SPCC branding, and may have been on-site during any possible visitations. We have likely met in passing."

That was highly unlikely. If we'd met, I'd recognise his smell. Slightly musty like the headquarters, but the freshness of ironed cotton and running streams. Without breaking eye contact, I slunk down into the opposite chair.

Caesarius continued, "I am informed you are the root of many of our current problems." I couldn't help but throw daggers at Grahame. "And Leofstan, what have you done to your magic? You are unbalanced."

The blonde man shuffled uncomfortably. "Nothing intentional."

"The idiots have managed to create a linking channel." My number one supporter informed him. Clenching my fist I pushed it further into my lap.

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