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A/n: shorter post this time as it's a good finishing point. From the next part things start to get.... Diabolical ^.^

Reciprocating the closeness, I ran a hand up his shirted chest, gripping the tie near his neck. His breath hitched, almost sending my control haywire.

"Oh, Markus," I murmured. Looping my hand in the material carefully, "You have no idea what dangerous is." Grasping the knot of his tie with my free hand, I pulled the cotton blade; the noose tightening around his neck with a snick. His eyes grew wide, hesitating as to whether I was teasing, or genuinely about to kill him.

Interestingly, he tried to pry my hands off first. I cocked my head at him unnaturally fast, my fake grin breaking into a real, toothy one as my control finally slipped. It seemed that similar to me, he was unnaturally strong in a humanoid form, packing more of a punch than a regular earthling; but nowhere near his transformed levels where I'd witness him throw a car clear of the car park. To my delight, his attempts to budge me proved useless.

Leaning into his shoulder I placed my lips next to his ear. "It is quite rude to go around talking behind backs." I chided, pulling the noose steadily tighter. His eyes began to bulge, skin taking on an ashy colour whilst slowly thickening, as his other self reacted to the threat; instinctively attempting to break out. My grin turned into a pout as I realised poor Markus might be close to asphyxiating before he'd even transformed. 

The magic which had coated him was vacuumed under his skin, pulsating inwardly along muscles. From around us, he began pulling magic faster, prompting me to wonder if I'd look similar during a change, and leaving the area devoid of energy from whatever realm he originated.

Knotting the tie around my knuckles, I gave a final tug and tousled him on the head. "Next time, let's not tell the SPCC anything about your good friend Andy, okay?"

Mutely, he nodded, and I released some of the tension. "You're lucky I owe you for covering the other day. Consider your continued existence the debt paid."

With a twirl of the wrist, the material was freed, and he stumbled back gasping. His thickened, desperate fingers, stubbed dramatically at his collar in a panicked attempt to escape from the tie that almost cost his life. He gulped air in greedily, dropping to a knee and throwing the discarded shreds to the floor, before clutching at the damaged skin.

Rolling my eyes at his reaction I tutted, "You'll live." You'd think I'd bit his head off. He slowly lifted his eyes to mine, chest heaving in frenzy, hands cradling the bruised area around his neck. He flinched as I trailed my hand down to cup his cheek, and it wasn't until he stilled that I patted it.

Joining him in a crouch, voice a caress, "I like you like this." I told him. Once we were on the same level I added, "On your knees."

Panic crossed over his features.

"Now, care to tell me where our nosey little vampire went?" I tilted my head, sharpened my teeth and revealed my true gaze, nails pressing around his face to keep him still.

If he had any colour left, it drained. Markus dragged in a deep breath. "What are you going to do to him?"

"Nothing bad," I promised. What I didn't reveal was what I truly meant: nothing that would end badly for me. At the thought of all the possibilities, I tapped my fingers absently against his cheek finger by finger.

Trembling he seemed to search for any information I might want to hear. "All I can remember is he did ask me something about a girl called Joanne too."

Now that made me pause. "Jo?" The girl from work? Joanne, I mentally tried to commit to memory. Joanne. The girl that was meant to be covering my shift. I let go, leaving him to check the skin for punctures.

"That could be a nickname, yeah." he rubbed the back of his neck as I rolled my eyes at him. I'd figured that much out.

He trailed me from head to foot, assessing. "You promise you're not going to hurt the vamp?" Markus asked.

Honestly, I was surprised he cared, so in reply, I winked.

"That's not an answer," He argued.

Starting with my head I shook all my features back down into the boring disguised human appearance, offering him no reply. Guess we'd both wait and see. "See you soon, handsome!" I told him, ending further conversation and dismissing his protests. With a final casual wave over my shoulder, it was time to depart.

"Oi! Andy" Markus shouted, before I could leave, stiffly getting to his feet.

Throwing a glance back it was just in time to see him bite his bottom lip.

"Next time you're in town, look me up!" His teeth let go slowly, lips returning to their usual plumpness. "We'll skip the drinks part." And despite the purpling neck bruise, he tucked his hands into his pockets and looked just as relaxed as when I'd first arrived.

A toothy grin smirked over my face as I realised the air no longer smelt like fear. In fact, Markus seemed pretty upset that I was leaving so soon. Yeah, I confirmed to myself. He could live a little longer.

* * *

Dangerous Diabolical: Book 1 (Iridescent) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now