Chapter 3

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David's POV:

2 months later:

Still nothing from Ritchie. He's been gone since he left. Michael woke up earlier this morning. I thought, looking at Michael. He was sitting at the table, and was staring at his tea. He seemed deep in thought. I was getting more worried for him.

"Cap'?" I said. He didn't respond. Brandon floated down the stairs. He was yawning, and stretching his arms over his head. When he eventually got down the stairs fully, he looked at us sleepily.

When he realized something was off, he looked at me confused. I just motioned to Micheal in response. He then looked at Micheal a little confused. I looked at Cap' too. He was still staring at his tea. We stood/sat there awkwardly. Then Brandon said something,

"You're not ok, am I right?" asked Brandon. I looked at him confused. Cap' nodded, having tears in his eyes. What the fuk? I thought, standing there awkwardly. Brandon continued with "That's what I thought,".

I just watched both of them talk. Michael nodded as they continued. I probably shouldn't be here. It seems like something they should talk about alone. And I can't exactly go upstairs either. I thought. Ima go train then.

"Ima head out, later!" I said. I slowly backing out of the house. Brandon gave me a death glare. I froze. Whenever he glares, it is scary. I knew I did something that pissed him off. I can't tell if it was from that, or something else.

"You're not going alone. Me and Michael are coming along" he said.

I slightly groaned in annoyance. But I complied.. Michael nodded and stood up. Then I decided to do something that might get my ass kicked for. I turned towards my door a booked it out. Brandon and Micheal called my name. They were chasing after me.

"Just don't slow me down" I called over my shoulder, laughing. Our laughter filled the air. That's a nice sound I haven't heard in a while... I thought, smiling lightly.

"Common slow poke!" yelled Brandon. I realized that he was now infront of me. I gasped and ran faster. Guess I got distracted. Oh well. I need to make it to the woods now. With my boyfriend and my Captain.

Multiple years later:

Michaels POV:

It's been a year since he has gone missing. I dare not speak his name... It brings me too much pain to think of him. We haven't heard or seen anything from him. We literally have gone on Patrols every 10 minutes to see if we can find him.

I was sitting at the table, thinking. David was upstairs with Brandon. They were talking. He's able to go up there since it's not day yet. I mean, we also half look out for the demons. There's been so many demons here. I thought, leaning back in my chair.

But at least everything has gone somewhat back to normal. Well as normal as it can be. Now... where's the honey pot? I need a victim! I can throw it out... hm... a window! I thought. I got up and looked around.

I was trying to find the honeypot. Also to try and find the window victim! Once I found my victims, I turned towards the window above Davids bed. I climbed onto it. Then I smashed the window. David came running down the stairs. I was getting ready to grab it.

"Cap'! No! Not the honey pot!" yelled David.

"YES CAP'! THE HONEY POT CAN BE THROWN OUT THE WINDOW!" I yelled. I threw it out the window and laughed like a maniac. David fell to his knees, in defeat. I continued to laugh at his misery. This is like the old day's. Nothing could ruin this. I thought, continuing to laugh.

"What the hell is happening here?" asked Brandon, floating down the stairs. I grabbed my stomach in pain.

Oh wait! You might be worried for me gripping my stomach. Since I was pregnant and all. Don't worry. I was pregnant. I'm not anymore! I had a beautiful little boy. I named him Mitch. He's currently with Merlin, so that was super nice. Sorry for interrupting. I just had to clear that up.

Continue on! I was laughing that hard. I just couldn't stop laughing. His reaction was just amazing. I fell onto David's bed, still holding my stomach. I was even crying, that's how hard I was laughing.

"Cap's being an asshole..." grumbled David, glaring at me. He got up, still glaring at me. I was laughing so hard. I couldn't stop. I didn't think anything could stop this. But then something happened. Brandon said something that stopped it. "Well, I have good news... I found Ritchie..."

I froze. I wasn't laughing, David stopped glaring. The joyful mood was gone. He's lying, I thought, searching for him. Searching for his lies. He just wants to make my hope rise, to only crush them. He's lying. I gave Brandon a death glare.

"Don't speak that name." I said. David looked at me bewillard.

"Cap. Calm down." said David. I layed his hand on my shoulder. I sighed. My shoulders relaxed.

"Sorry, just don't lie... when you say his name..." I said, still glaring. Brandon shook his head.

"I actually did see him! But there was something off about him. When I said you name," he pointed at me "he looked like he wanted to murder you"

I looked at him bewillard. What does he mean? Ritchie would never do that. Who would do this? I thought. I thought about who would want to get at him and the other sins. Then I remembered. That fucking bitch. That fucking bastard! I growled in anger.

"Where is he now..." I growled. Brandon looked at me with wide eyes. I guess he wasn't expecting that.


"Where is he now, brandon..." I growled, walking closer.

"He's in the forest..." said Brandon. I nodded to him, and walked out. Before I left, David stopped me. He grabbed me by my shoulder. Then he spun me around. He looked at me with a worried but also angry face.

"What..." I growled.

"Be careful, Micheal. Ok?" said David. I nodded, and walked out.

Ritchie's POV:

Brandon had just left saying something about brushing a tree? I won't question. I'm too busy waiting for my queen to come, anyways. We're gonna have that date she's been promising for a super long time. It's been too long since the last one. 2 day!!! 2 freaking days! Too long...

How come she hasn't come to my dates? I mea- Wait... Wait. No. Why am I thinking like this. What did that bitch do to me?! I thought, angerly. I gripped my hair. I was trying to get it out of my head. Then I went back to thinking about my lovely queen.

"Ritchie..." I heard someone growl. I know that voice... Where have I heard it before? I thought. I decided to look at who it was. My eyes widened. My brain went back to normal. Oh shit... He can't be here anymore. I'm not face. I tried to tell him... And well. You'll see what happened.

"M-Michael... run! You're not safe aro-" I yelled. Before I could finish my sentence, everything went black again. This happens every time Michael is brought up or if I see him apparently... Welp, time to wait for the blackness to go away...

After Fight:

When I could "see" again, before me was a terribly injured Michael. Brandon was standing in front of him protecting. David who is fighting... Who is that girl? What happened? Ugh... my head... Did I do this? Last thing I remember was...

My eyes widened. I started mumbling 'No...No, I didn't do this... right...' constantly. Brandon looked at me confused and sad. My eyes were filled with tears. I couldn't belive it. So I asked. I asked the one thing I never thought I would ask.

"I-I did this... Didn't I?" 

The Adventures of the Seven Deadly Sins- A Origins Crew Version StoryWhere stories live. Discover now