Chapter 5

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Micheal's POV:

"Ritchie. Stop pushing yourself. We've already had someone overwork themselves. So, rest..." said David. I nodded in agreement. Ritchie sighed.

"Fine... we need the time to rest anyways" he said.

He walked over to his bed, and pulled the curtains around his bed. We all could hear him shuffle into bed. I looked at the others. Then shooed them (quietly) away. I wanted to go to bed. I mean, can you blame me? I'm exhausted.

"Good Night, Micheal..." said Brandon.

"Good Night Brandon... Knight David." I said. I nodded to them both. David nodded and waved to me. He then ducked his way downstairs. Brandon looked at me for a moment. Nodded. Then floated downstairs. Time to go to bed... I thought. But I really knew I wouldn't be sleeping.

Couple Hours Later:

Ugh... how long have I been laying here? Must have been hours I thought, sitting up, trying not to groan in pain. Ritchies up here sleeping, luckily he's a deep sleeper. Bradon went downstairs to sleep with his lover. Sadly, their broken window is downstairs.

So I'd half to try and get past them. I got out of bed, and snuck downstairs. I jumped out the window to do patrol. I know they would probably yell at me for this, but I need to control my emotions. I need to work on my self defense. I need to work on everything.

I did this for a long time. Once in a while, I was almost caught because of Mitch. But I always used him as my excuse. I thought that everything was going well. No one confronted me about it. So I assumed no one knew. Boy was I wrong.

2 months later:

Brandon's POV:

It was like 3 am when Mitch started crying. Michael will get him, I thought, cuddling more into David. He's been taking care of him lately, so I don't need to worry about him. He continued to cry for another 5 minutes.

I groaned at my lack of sleep. I sat up and walked upstairs to help Michael. I looked around to try and find him, but I didn't see him. Where is he? I thought, taking care of Mitch. He couldn't have gone far...

"Come on Mitch...calm down. Me and you need to sleep..." I said.

Eventually, he fell asleep. I decided to stay up until Michael came back. I looked around for the darkest area. Once I found it, I floated/levitated there while I waited. Boy oh boy. If I could show you, I would. It was so borning.

5 am:

I nearly dozed off until I heard someone jump through the window and land lightly on the ground. If there weren't any glass moving and making noise, I would have never heard them. I knew they jumped through the broken window downstairs. It was right above David

"Cap', you were out again, weren't you" David said. Of course he woke up to that. How couldn't he? It's right above him. I thought.

"You better hope Brandon went back to sleep on his bed. Mitch was crying and he went to take care of him" he said. I quickly realized that I should be in bed. I got into bed. But I continued to listen. I wanted to know. I needed to know. To what they were talking about.

"I'll be fine," said Michael.

"He's gonna catch on. I'm pretty sure he noticed the increase of money and stuff" said David, in his mom-like tone. So that's who it was... I thought. I didn't catch on to Micheal doing it. But I did know it was happening.

"You know how he is, David. Whenever I do something he doesn't like. He goes all mom mode. I mean, I love him like a brother. But not like a mom! You're the one dating him too. So you should know what it's like."

I almost snickered at that. Shoot... I almost got caught. I need to be more careful. Who can I go to get some help? I smirked. I know who! I mean, it gives me a chance to tease him for his crush. Perfect...

I assume that they were all done talking because I headlight taps of Michaels feet walking up the stairs. I layed there for a bit, trying to fall asleep. Ugh... it's too cold and lonely without Mr. Sin of Pride here. But I don't want to get up! I mean, I could always float my way down there.

But of course. He might say something. Either something prideful. I mean, he is the Sin of Pride. But Still. Or he might say something about me knowing what happened.. And that's what I did. Once I was all nice and comfy, I thought.

I'll talk to Ritchie tomorrow. Probably use training as an excuse to talk to him one on one. Meh. It's not my problem right now. I'm too tired to deal with it. I heard some shuffling upstairs but I just ignored it. I assumed it was Michael falling asleep. Boy, was I wrong.

To those who read this story when it was shit. How the fuck did you do it? How. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do. It. If you aren't someone who didn't read this story when it was shit. Welp. Lucky you.

??? POV:

Finally, I thought. Those brats were asleep. They can't always keep my precious Sin of Lust away from me! I opened the window above my bed. Aw~ He looks so calm! Now, let's get him back home. This awful place is definitely noy his home, too trashed.

I casted a spell that he levitates. I squeeze him through the window. That was a lot more difficult than it needed to be. Geez, he's masculine. But that's what I love about him. My hunky hot Sin of Lust.

I was about to leave until I remembered I forgot to do something SUPER important. I grabbed the letter, and set it next to the mistake of a Sin of Wrath. I mean... Why would Ritchie choose him over me?!? I shook my head in disappointment.

Then I continued on with my mission. Get Ritchie. I jumped out the window with a levitating Ritchie not that far behind. Before I left, I waved goodbye to the house and laughed. It was so hard to keep quiet. So I didn't. I laughed manalically.

"He's gonna be safe with me. No matter what you believe, bastards!" I said, laughing.I then turned around. Then I walked home. Now it's time to punish him for leaving me hurt. He must have learned that when I had him.

Guess not! Welp! More fun for me! I thought. I was now skipping back while laughing. I turned around to make sure he was still following me. Which he was. Welp! Let's get home and have some fun!

God... I fucking hate them. I. Fucking. Hate. Them.

Ritchie's POV:

My head hurt so bad. If it could, it would spin. What I mean, is that I can't see anything. Everything was pitch black. Like, ao ounce of light anywhere. So I can't tell if my head was spinning or not. W-What happened? Where am I- Before I could finish, there was laughing.

"Oh Ritchie~!" said a voice. My eyes widened, searching for where that voice came from. W-Who was that! I thought. I tried to talk but I was gagged. The voice laughed again. To the right of me, I saw a lantern coming towards me.

I tried to back up but I was chained down. My arms and ankles were chained to a table. It made me feel like I was sitting up. That's probably why that asshat chained me down. Because their a fucking psycho.

"Oh silly goose! You can't leave... You left me after I was hurt" the voice smacked me. I tried to not make a noise. They didn't deserve the satisfaction of my pain.

"Guess you really need a lesson" they said. They left to grab some stuff. Oh Cap'. David. Brandon. or even Merlin~Sama... Please notice I'm gone... I thought, terrified out of my mind. I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to survive here. Mentally or Physically.

Michael's POV:

When I woke up, it was quiet. Too quiet. Usually, Ritchie is rushing around the house trying to get ready for his date for the day (even though I dislike it). He's my boyfriend, so I have every right to hate what he does.

Yes, I said boyfriend. Leave me alone. I know that he has to do this to hide our dating. I wish we could tell them. It kinda makes me sad. But it's ok. Whatever helps him. Whatever keeps him safe. I thought.

"Why is it so quiet..." I mumbled.

The Adventures of the Seven Deadly Sins- A Origins Crew Version StoryWhere stories live. Discover now