Chapter 6

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Micheal's POV:

"Why is it so quiet..." I mumbled. Anyways, I opened my eyes to see that it was about afternoon. Maybe he's out on one of those stupid dates. He'll be home soon, hopefully he won't take too long. Maybe David and Brandon are awake.

I sat up and stretched. I then swung my legs over to the side of my bed. I noticed there was a letter on my dresser. I picked it up, questioningly. The farther I read down the letter, the more angry I got. Once I reached the end, it took so much control not to rip the paper in half.

"That fucking bastard!" I yelled. I was pissed. I heard David try to get up the stairs but hit his head. Brandon helped him get upstairs and see what was wrong.

"Cap, what happened?!?" Brandon asked.

"That fucking bastard, they's dead next!" I mumbled, getting up and pasing. I was planning their demise. I hardened him with the note and he read it out loud.

The italics are what was written. From here on out, anything saying 'Dear so and so' will be the letters. The italics will also be the thoughts, as usual. But I just needed to make sure that's cleared up. I'll still remind you, unless it's two letters in one story.

Dear mistake of a Sin of Wrath,

How are you? I'm good, thanks for asking! How has your practice been? Hope your emotions are going well, that you are actually able to control it. Bet the others haven't noticed yet. Probably will soon, considering things are gonna happen.

Wouldn't want to spoil my fun, now would I~! Just know, I will not be done visiting until I'm happy again. That shitty Sloth will pay. He will pay for what he did to my perfect body. You're probably wondering why I stopped by. Well, let me fill you in!

Did you notice Ritchie's gone? Well, he's currently on a date... FOR ETERNITY! With whom, you may ask. Well, me! As I said above, this won't be my last time visiting. Just, keep a close eye on that child of yours. He's mine, he's my child. His name is not Kyo, it's... Nevermind, you don't need to know ^^!



Just know. The kid's name is not named after ReinBloo. It is just a random name that I could find. I might end up changing it in the end. But still. Please don't come after me for that. Thanks for reading my little rant! I'm so sorry for interrupting. Continue on, please.

David and Brandon stood there in shock. I was still pacing in anger. I just couldn't stand still. If I did, I might end up punching something. So I was trying to distract myself the best I could. I mean, can you blame me? What if your significant other got taken? Wouldn't you do the same.

"Captain, go drink your tea," said David.

I didn't say anything. I hesitated at first, worrying I'd break something. But just one look at David said it all. I needed to go down before I got thrown down. I stormed downstairs. Then I got my tea ready. After my tea was ready, I sat down and tried to calm down.

What should I do? I mean, I could run away with Kyo... But... I can't leave them alone forever... What should I do? I thought. I made up my mind after a while. I set my tea down and stood up. Brandon and David stopped their conversation and looked. I was looking down.

"Me and Kyo are leaving in the morning. This is a very difficult decision... But I need to do this to keep them safe. To keep y'all safe. You guy's can find Ritchie a-"

"Cap', you're not going to do that. We're not splitting up!" protested Brandon. David nodded in agreement. I just shook my head. I'm not letting them come along. They're in danger with me around. I thought.

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