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It was jang hanseo.

I couldn't stop staring at he's abs, he had the towel wrapped around lower waist and the water drops where shining because of the sunlight coming through the glass window. He's hair was wet and messy,water drops where dropping from he's hair and 6 pack.

"Like what you see?" he asked me which made my jaw drop lower than it already was "I-I WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" i freaked out and yelled "Aishh, how can you scream so loud in such a early morning?" he said while running he's hand on he's hair dropping the water drops.

"Than what are you doing mr, chairman jang hanseo?" i asked with a forced annoyed smile, "Well the shower in my office didn't work so I decided to take a shower in yours" he said while walking towards me "Could have asked for my permission first?" i questioned while crossing my arms. He walked closer and bend down to my height and whispered in my ear "Doesn't seem like you mind" he than smirked while moving away from my face "i- what" i said "Nothing and, this is my office so I can do whatever I want and everything in this office belongs to me" he said while walking closer "everything even-" he said while putting he's hand on the wall "You" i gasped and said "What are you still drunk?!!?" i asked while tilting my head "do I look like I'm?" he asked "Why do u think I asked?" i said while pushing him away "come to my office" he said while walking out of my office.


He left and dressed up than ordered me to come inside I gluped and walked in to see him sitting on he's desk with he's sleeves rolled up and losein tie. I asked "is there anything you wanted?", he looked at me up and down "Yes" he said while tapping on he's desk "I want you, to answer my question" he said "So what is it sir?" i said while looking down. I suddenly felt he is walking closer so I didn't look up but he than used he's thumb on my lower chin and made me look at he's eyes "Don't you remember miss shin yuna? While talking to me, look at me not everywhere else" i gulped and nodded, "So what's going on between you and jang  jun woo" he asked in a cold tone while still holding my chin

I slowly moved back from he's fingers
"sir there's nothing going on Between us!" i said while shaking my head "Better not" he said while closer but I pushed him "Wha-what are you doing?" i asked but he said nothing just kept on looking at me "S-sir" i said until I heard knock, he moved away quickly and fixed he's shirt and tie
And I fixed my expressions

"Come in" he said in deep voice and a girl with short blond hair came inside with files, she had a flirty smile and deep pink lipstick. "Sir, here's your files" she said while looking at jang hanseo. He said "leave it on the desk and get lost" she than gluped and ran towards the desk and placed it than ran away. While she came and talked with him and he yelled, he's eyes were fixed at me "I-i think I should get going" i mumbled while trying to run but he slammed he's hand on the wall beside me, blocking my way "Did I say you can?" he said while walking back to he's desk "I'm going to have a meeting with Mr,vincenzo and cha young so u have to assist me, am I clear?" i said "Yes sir", "alright you can go" i nodded and left quickly.


After reaching Wusang Law Firm i saw a well dressed man standing near the gate of the office of Wusang Law Firm as he turned around I noticed how handsome he was. He looked at us than said something to the women beside her and both walked towards us

"ciao, I'm vincenzo cassano" the man in blue shirt said as he offered he's hand towards me for and handshake, I raised my hand but jang hanseo slapped my hand away and handshaked with him instead "Hi I'm chairman jang hanseo" he said than took away he's hand "I'm Hong cha young" she said as she grabbed jang hanseo's hand but he slipped it back while making a 'Wtf' face.

"Uh, let's go inside?" hong cha young said to all of us.


After the meeting jang hanseo got a call and said "I'm really sorry shin yuna but I have to leave, can u take a c-" before he could finish vincenzo walked out of gate and said "I'll drive her back" and I could tell that jang hanseo was really annoyed by that
"Alright" jang hanseo said with a fake smile and walked towards the car while calling than got inside the car and left.

"Shall we?" vincenzo asked while pointing at he's car, I replied "We shall." and both walked towards the car. After we got inside he started the car

"So, are you dating chairman jang hanseo?" vincenzo questioned while focusing on the road, I flinched and asked "What!?No I can never!" i replied in shock "But it seemed like he was really possessive over you?he kept on looking at u while we where in meeting and he didn't even let me handshake with you" he said while chuckling "i think you're mistaken! I'm just a intern working under chairman jang hanseo" i said.

"That's great to hear that you're not dating" he said while smirking and driving without moving he's eyes from the road "Sorry?" i asked because I didn't expect that "You're too pretty to date that idiot" he said "What?ok li-" before I could finish he stooped the car and I noticed we're already here, I quickly got out of the car and was about to leave but he said "We should meet more often, don't you think?"he said while leaning on he's car "We'll definitely when we have meetings" i said as I turned "Well I'll pick you up tomorrow for lunch" he said while getting inside the car "what? No" i yelled but he said "I'm not telling you to date me, I just said let's meet more often because it wouldn't hurt to make friends isn't?" he said while rolling up the windows and putting he's black glasses on.

Third person's pov.

jang joon woo was watching them from he's window and clenched he's jaw "Damn so many challengers, it's gonna be hard to win but I never learned to lose" he said while smirking than opend he's phone and called someone "I need you to take care of this guy vincenzo, ok? Good."

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