friend like him

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Shin yuna's pov.

I reached on my floor and saw jang jun woo was waiting outside my office, I hurried towards him "Boo!" i yelled and slapped he's back playfully which made him flinch. "Ah! You scared me" he said while patting he's chest "damn, you get scared so easily" i said while laughing "Where where you?" he asked while leaning on the door "i was in a meeting with chairman jang hanseo" i said while pushing him on the side to open the door "Oh! How was it?" he said while following me inside the office "Well it was alright, vincenzo is kinda weird don't you think?" i asked him while grabbing the chair than floped on the chair "Well, I don't know? He always has this cold face" he said while mimicking vincenzo's facial expressions. I snorted because of he's childish actions.

After talking for awhile he said he has alot of work and if he doesn't finish them than jang hanseo will tell at him. I always wondered why he never yells at me? Before my thoughts could go any further I was disturbed by a knock, as I looked up it was chairman jang hanseo.

I stood up and nodded as he opened the door he looked really stressed "I need you" he said which made me shocked "Wh-" before I could finish he said "I need you to come to my office right now with all these paper and I'm sure you can't balance them all so I'll take few" he said while walking towards me and picking half of the files.

We walked towards the elevator and got inside it after awhile we reached the 15th floor and we got out before we could reach he's office I got a call so he nodded and gave me space.

After I picked up and started to talk I heard a loud glass shattering noice, I rushed towards he's office and saw he fainted. I rushed to him and kneeled down while placed he's head on my lap "Sir! Sir!? Are you alright!?" i kept asking but there was no response so I slowly brought my head on he's chest to hear he's heartbeats and after checking it was totally fine.

i took a jar of water and sparkled some water on he's face but since he didn't wake up I threw the whole water on he's face as he sat up while coughing "i-i'm sorry!" i said while grabbing a handkerchief and wiped he's face and shirt than while I was about to move my hand down to wipe the water he grabbed my wist and said "W-what do you think you're doing!?" he snapped at me with surprised face.

I tilted my head and said "Just wiping the wa-" before I could finish i noticed he's face was red like a tomato i quickly placed my hand on he's forehead and said "What the heck? You don't even have fever than why is your face so red!?" i was worried for him "I'll call the office clinic doctor!" i said but when I was about to call he held my wrist and said "J-just go back to your damn cabin!" and stood up while rubbing he's forehead. I nodded and left before he yells at me like he yells at others, i mean that what I just heard but never saw.

Jang hanseo's pov.

Darn it! Is she dumbfounded!? She was going to wipe down there!? Thank god I stooped her. I couldn't help but get flushed by the way she was innocently looking at me with worried expressions and cleaning my wet shirt. But like is she out of her mind!? She thew the whole damn jar of water on my face?? I could have drowned!.

I fainted because of all the pressure on my head and all the abuse, it's making me weak so I reached for my wardrobe and took a pair of suit, I have a whole room full of things I need in my office because I often stay in my Office.

I changed my outfit and left my office to see if everyone left than I'll too. As I was going to check the last floor i had a feeling she is still in her cabin working on our next project files. I reached her floor than saw no one was there than I heard someone laughing as I walked towards the voice. I saw something that made my blood boil,

Jang joon woo was taking with shin yuna on the seats where people sit for interviews, he had he's arm rested on her arm and she didn't even move it!? It made me so annoyed i don't know why.

Shin yuna's pov.

I loved talking to jang joon woo because he was really open minded and always talks to me for hours without getting offended like my ex friends, he loves to listen me talking about shit that happened in my whole day and we talk about random things. I'm glad to find a friend like him.

"I guess it's time to leave" i said while glazing at the watch "so soon?" he said while pouting "We've been talking for a hour now jang joon woo!" i said while patting on he's arm playfully "It's never enough while talking to you" he said while chuckling "Stop lying, no one can talk to me more than 10mins before getting annoyed" i said while laughing "That's not true shin yuna, I enjoy ever min while talking with you" he said while serious face which made me feel better "Thanks jang joon woo, it ment alot" i said while smiling and looking down "Alright! I have to go home now" jang joon woo said while standing up "Same but after I keep my files on the right place" i said than we said our goodbyes.

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