(my new story info)

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Hi dear readers! So this isn't a chapter as u saw, I wanna talk about my new story.

The male lead is kim taehyung from bts if some of y'all don't know ^.^

Here's the cover 💗

Escaping the psychopath||kthWritten by me

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Escaping the psychopath||kth
Written by me.
Cover cr: me ≡^ˇ^≡

A little about the story:


"If you think you can escape from me than you're really naive" he crouched down and used he's thumb to lift my chin up "Baby you belong to me so just-" he tightend the handcuffs "-get used to this new life"

Never in her widest thoughts she could have imagined how psychotic this innocent looking guy could be, all for the craving of love? How absurd.


Eom Mi-Sun a girl in need of money, decides to work in a cafe while studying hard in university so one day she could work in a gaming compnay. Her life has never been easy, dealing with bullies, crying hours, hard life but even after that she kept on fighting and now people don't mess with her. She finally was living a life where she rules.

Until he came.

Kim taehyung a innocent guy who wears big spectacles while he's hair is dark black curly and messy covering he's half eyebrows, he seemes to be the quite nerd who is always drowned into books. Girls still droll over him but he couldn't care less. After he gets bullied one day he just wanted to do something but he couldn't because he had the fake reputation. He thought it was the end

Until, Eom Mi-Sun Walked in he's life like a ray of sunshine, only to get in tunnel of darkness with no way out.

Kim taehyung may look like the purest soul to ever exist but he is nothing more than a crazy psychopath who hides himself under a innocent mask, he always gets what he wants and with daddy and mommy issues he has become worse, the possessiveness towards the thing he desires can take many people's lives if it needs to be taken.

Just like he's hate, he's love is limitless too.

OK warning!
This story has nothing to do with real idols! It's all frictional!
And this story contains alot of glory stuff and etc like yk blood, murder and trill so read it on your own risk.

I would really appreciate it if u take time and check out my new story and give the same love you gave to my other stories! And please do vote if you like it! Don't be a ghost reader😭

Thank you so much for all the support.

I know I'm not that good or a author 😅but I try my best since I enjoy writing and I have so many story ideas yet to be written.

Hope y'all have a good day/night
Love y'all <333

If you wanna ask anything than text me on my this wattpad acc ~_~🌸

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