18. For Her

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Happy new year to my lovelies Wishing you 365 days of fun , laughter and happiness & success.

Also our story has reached 126k reads & 3K+ votes !!! Thank you guys for supporting me , i hope you all are enjoying the story .


* Thud *

Amaira snapped her head towards balcony she was definitely sure she saw some silhouettes .

'Oh god is that thief '  she thought
& her inner self said ' obviously idiot decent person would come from main door not climbing the balcony ' she rolled her eyes at inner self .

'Is someone here ' she muttered in her breathe . Clutching her towel tightly she picked up her phone to call someone in case going towards balcony she peeked out but no one was there .

Shrugging it thinking it would be some cat or something she skipped towards her closet after wearing her panties and slipping her favourite silk nightwear she made her way towards her bed .

Shrugging it thinking it would be some cat or something she skipped towards her closet after wearing her panties and slipping her favourite silk nightwear she made her way towards her bed

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She felt thirsty , glancing at her bedside table she saw her water bottle empty she whined she would've to go downstairs.

Sighing she wore her slippers and dashed downstairs to kitchen to refill her water bottle while she was finding some late night snack  in refrigerator when she felt something soft fur like touching her legs .

She shrieked seeing downwards & found Ash barking cutely at her and licked her leg she sighed closing the refrigerator picking him up she hugged him muttering 'You scared me baby '.

Like he was understanding her he whined a little she chuckled at him she made her way towards her room with Ash .

When she came in her room she felt something weird like she felt someone's else presence turning around checking surroundings she saw nothing .

In her arms she saw ash half asleep kissing his snout she said good night to him and settled him in her bed she sighed looking towards small bed of Ash besides hers.

Ash doesn't like sleeping alone he loves sleeping with her in her arms maybe because of his last owner whoever was she remembered the day when she saw him in beaten condition.

Sadly she smiled at him , sighing he is okay now with her .

She wanted to go washroom before going to bed after she came out of washroom she was just going to sit on her bed when  someone suddenly clamped her mouth shut with their hand .

she felt someone's hot breathe fanning on her neck , struggling in their hold she bit the person's hand but suddenly another one wrapped his arms around her waist .

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