28. Their Bride

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Amaira's Pov:

Humming some song whose name I don't know I just listened one day ago and forgot what was the name.
Well the dinner was all ready.
I was craving Indian food for so long and these brothers didn't even permitted me to enter in kitchen , but finally after requesting , Vincenzo allowed me to cook .

'Hmm, smells amazing presioza ' Vincenzo came behind me and then dropped a kiss on the back of my head .

'Yeah today I made Indian food & sure you'll love it ' I said while making the last naan .

' Yeah , I really love one particular Indian dessert ' he murmured while caressing my waist .

I giggled when he touched my tickling spot , and then asked turning towards him 'Which particular dessert?' .

'You' he murmured and pressed a wet hungry kiss behind my ear , I turned towards him confused .

'What are you some kind of werewolf or anything ? ' I asked him .

Third person's Pov -

'What ? ' Vincenzo asked back .

'Will you really eat me ' she asked from him her eyes dripping with innocence and fear like a child .

'No - no presioza not like ah shit ' Vincenzo cursed at himself.

'Nothing let's go eat dinner Leonardo and Riccardo are also here' Vincenzo sighed out .

Vincenzo helped her to set the food on dining table , once they were done they heard their footsteps coming towards dining hall , when Leonardo and Riccardo entered they smelled the delicious aroma of food Leonardo's stomach practically roared at the sight of delicious food .

Vincenzo helped her to set the food on dining table , once they were done they heard their footsteps coming towards dining hall , when Leonardo and Riccardo entered they smelled the delicious aroma of food Leonardo's stomach practically roared at ...

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Riccardo saw Amaira standing nervously beside Vincenzo, she was fidgeting with her fingers showing that she was feeling anxious, he sighed and moved towards her , taking her hands in his he first dropped a kiss on her forehead and then asked 'How was your day love ?'.

'G-good ' she replied back not looking at him .

'C'mon let's start eating ' Leonardo mused and they all settled at dining table .

Amaira always pray before eating she closed her eyes and murmured a silent prayer with hands folded , when she opened her eyes she saw three pairs of eyes gazing intensely at her .

When the trio were ready to eat they noticed her praying , how could someone be so innocent and pure was always the first question that came in their mind looking at this girl .

Vincenzo shakes his head at his thoughts and gave his beautiful dimpled smile to her and kissed her cheek saying 'Let's start precious'.

Well Amaira was eating like a food deprived person while trio was having a little difficulty how to really eat the Indian food .

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