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In the darkness of the room, Lucy couldn't help but force her eyes to focus on the black phone on the wall.

What was its purpose? Was it for decoration?  look like it's hooked up. Did it ever work? If it didn't was it a sick fetish to give his victims hope of one last call?

Who knew? She walked up to the phone as Robin rested and took the phone from the holder. She held the handle as she raised the phone to her ear.

"It doesn't work." It was him, "Not since I was a kid." The Grabber. "Hang it up." She didn't turn to face him until he flicked on the lights.

Lucy slowly turned to look at him while she still held the phone. She didn't even hear the door open. If he wanted to he could have killed her then and there and she wouldn't have ever noticed until the moment came. Thankfully it did not. He stood eerily in the doorway.

"I know you're scared and you wanna go home. I'll take you home soon." His voice was just as scary as him, his voice wavered as if he was about to cry, and it was sickeningly soft, but his words didn't match his tone at times. His head turned creepily as he spoke again. "It's just that," he paused to sigh and look around, "Everything is all kind of fucked up right now. I'm going to have to be upstairs for a while now. something's come up."

Lucy's mouth went dry as she spoke, "W-what happened?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" His voice turned aggressive.

"Did someone see you? Are the police coming? Please, just let us go and we promise we won't tell them anything." She glanced at her friend and noticed he had tensed up. he's no longer asleep.

The Grabber chuckled dryly, "It's not the cops."

"But it's someone right? Someone's coming?" The hope was evident in her voice. The Grabber stayed still "I'll scream. If anyone's upstairs they'll hear me."

"No he won't, not with the door shut." there. he had given a part of himself away.


The Grabber didn't appreciate what she had noticed as he sighed angrily as if he was trying to compose himself. When he spoke there was no soft sweet tone, it was aggressive, "With the door shut, no one can hear anything down here. I soundproofed it myself. So scream your tiny little heart out but no one is going to hear you." He turned to leave

"I know you're the Grabber. You killed Vance... and Bruce." This was a mistake. She learned this as The grabber advanced toward her

"That wasn't me. That was someone else. I wouldn't make those boys do anything they wouldn't...like." Did he mean? No, no, no, no. He couldn't mean-

She turned to look at her sleeping friend and her heart broke. What happened at night...she knew now. She looked back at the masked man.

"If you even try to touch him, I'll scratch your face and whoever is coming will see and ask why." As she spoke The Grabber looked toward the light.

He framed his mask with his hands, "This face?" He opened his palms and closed them by his side. "Hang up the phone now."

Her eyes became kaleidoscopes as tears formed but didn't spill. She turned to put the phone up before returning to keep an eye on the sick man.

"I was down here once when it rang." He jumped playfully, "Ooh. Creepiest damn thing. I think it's electricity that does it. It went off when I was right next to it and I picked it up without thinking. To see if anyone was even there."

"Was there?" Lucy asked curiously

The man tilted his head down as he slowly shook his head, "No." And with that, he turned around and grabbed the door. It closed with a thud as she was for the most part alone in the room, or more like a cellar. Quickly after the lights went off.

"HELP!!!" She screamed waking up her friend.

"Lulu? What are you-"

"HELP US PLEASE!" She screamed until her throat went dry. She inhaled deeply before trying again at the window, "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP."

"Lulu, seriously what are you-"

"The window!" She examined it before attempting to pull herself up, but she missed. She attempted twice more before looking for a different solution.

"This is stupid! If that window could've been broken someone would've broken it already. Have you seen Vance?" Robin's voice chimed in.

"I'm sorry Robi I just." She sighed, "I don't know. I just-" Ringing. From a phone. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Robin turned to look around.

"The phone..." She trailed off as she stared at the black phone on the wall. Lucy jumped to her feet and backed up from the phone. She wanted to run away from the weird phone but this could be her only way out. Robin looked at her curiously for her next move as he heard no sound at all.

The loud ringing continued as Robin stared at her confused. Lucy slowly stepped toward the phone before picking it up. "Hello?"

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