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Nothing. Not a breath, not a voice, not a chance of getting out.

"Lulu? Are you sure you are ok?" Robin asked, concern lacing his voice

"Yeah." Lucinda forced her eyes away from the phone and focused on Robin, "Yeah I'm just tired. I think I just need to sleep."

"You sure?"

"Mhm," She hummed. 

She wasn't okay though, and neither was Robin

"Are you okay?"

He took in a deep breath before he paused, he opened his mouth as if he was about to speak before he closed it and sighed deeply, "Yeah,  I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" She hesitated with her next words as she carefully constructed a sentence in her head, "Hey, Robin, if you ever need to talk to me about-" 

"I said I'm fine. Go to sleep," He sighed as he slid off the mattress and sat on the cold concrete floor.

"Okay," She didn't take the coldness of his tone personally. She couldn't he had already gone through so much, "You gonna sleep too?"

"Yeah," It was a lie, "Just give me a minute," He smiled warmly and she believed him.

He wasn't going to sleep that night. He learned not to sleep at night. The dark circles under his eyes would normally be noticed quickly by the girl, but in the cold basement, everything was dark. She had assumed it was from stress.

Robin sat at the end of the mattress and watched the rise and fall of the girl's chest until her breath evened out. She was asleep and only when he was fully sure of this did he hang his head and let the silent tears fall.


Robin hissed in pain as he sat up from his spot at the end of the mattress. I must have fallen asleep. He grabbed his head which had begun to throb as soon as he awoke. He realized he was in a completely different position though he could not recall moving around in his sleep.

"Are you ok?" His voice was tight and brittle. His voice always sounded like that. It was the same voice that kept him up at night since he had been taken. 

Robin was on high alert now as his eyes found the owner of the voice he quickly moved away from him and stood up. 

"What do you want?" Without his approval, his voice wavered with fear as he mentally cursed himself.

"I don't want anything." The tears in his eye were clear as crystal.

"Um," He had to think of what to say, he was starving but if he asked the man for food how would he respond, "I want food," He decided to go with an assertive tone. "You haven't fed us in a while and I'm hungry, 

"How is your head?" How did The Grabber know Robin's head was hurting? 

"It hurts, but I didn't ask you about my head I asked you to feed us." his eyebrows furrowed as his hand curled up in a fist by his side.

"Well," The man choked out, "I can't bring you anything to eat. You and your little friend will have to wait." The man stood up and slowly started walking to the door without taking his eyes off Robin.

"Come on man I'm fucking starving! Give me anything Please. Just a piece of bread would be okay!" But the man just kept walking, "Why the fuck did you come down here if you weren't going to feed us?"

The Grabber turned around slowly as fresh tears sprung in his eyes, "You know why." His high-pitched voice suddenly made Robin sick. Robin put a hand over his mouth in disgust, "I liked watching you sleep this time. It made it much more enjoyable," When his voice came through it wasn't high pitched but instead low and dark. With that last sentence, he closed the door.

Robin couldn't do anything, he wanted more than anything to take a shower. He felt dirty everywhere and the feeling didn't leave as he sat on the bed next to Lucinda. He took her hand for comfort as he began to sob again quietly so as to not wake the sleeping girl. 

His silent sobs shook the mattress as he slowly cried himself to sleep unaware that the girl next to him was awake, and had been awake for the whole encounter. She felt her friends sob as tears fell from her eyes. She couldn't say anything to comfort him, that would only embarrass him more so instead she let him cry himself to sleep.

Getting out wasn't the goal anymore. The goal was to kill this sick fuck if it was the last thing she did. Not for her but for Robin. She was going to kill this bastard but the question was how. How was she going to kill a full-grown man? 

She started at the phone on the wall, she could use that. Would probably make a shit weapon though


The sudden ringing of the black phone interrupted her thoughts.

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