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That cursed ring, maybe that's where it finally ended, or perhaps that's where it all began.

Against her better judgment, Lucy picked up the phone, "Hello? Is anyone there?" She pulled the phone away from her face as she sighed, "I need help," She held the phone back up to her ear, "Hello?" She sighed as she was about to hang up the phone. How stupid could she be to really think the silly old thing would work? She picked up the cord and examined the wires poking out that were uneven from the cable being cut. 

"Lucinda~" The voice was soft and creepy but not in the way the Grabber's voice was soft, this was almost sincere.

She threw the phone down instantly and then hung it up as she backed away slowly from the phone. What the actual fuck was that? 

Suddenly the phone rang again loudly. She looked over at her sleeping friend and considered waking him up before dismissing the thought quickly. Absolutely not, he needs this sleep he needs to relax. 

Should I answer it? Do I really have another choice? This could be our only way out. But what if it wasn't real and I'm going crazy? Only one way to find out. Lucy reached for the phone extending a shaky hand as she put the speaker over her ear, she didn't speak a word as she held her breath.

"Don't hang up." It was brief and short yet still, she recognized the voice. It was that of a boy but she couldn't figure out who. It wasn't someone scary from his soft voice it was comforting.

"Don't worry. I won't." She smiled softly though she didn't know who it was. God, it felt nice for her to smile again. "Who is this?"

"I don't remember my name..." His voice came through the device as Lucy frowned.

"Why not?" 

"It's the first thing you lose." 

"You lose when?" Lucy asked. She began to feel a familiar feeling in her stomach talking to the boy.

"You know when, you're smart you can piece it together." Now that phrase was familiar to her but she hadn't heard it for some time.

"I know you, but how? How have we met?"

"Yeah, you know me, third-period science." Her heart dropped. Bruce, happy Bruce who was more than glad to help her out in class and tutor her. She had begun to develop a crush on him but forced herself to get over him when he went missing. "You really are smart."

With tears in her eyes and a shaky voice, "Bruce? Bruce Yamada?"

"Y-yeah. Bruce." He said it proudly. He was proud to know his name, "I'm Bruce. You are smart, you could do that work in your sleep." He repeated 

"Bruce, did the phone ring for you too?" 

"It rang, but none of us heard it. Just you." He said it in a way that made her feel special but heartbroken at the same time. "The Grabber hears the phone too, but he doesn't want to believe it."

"Bruce, why are you calling? Not that I don't want to hear your voice again but why now?"

"I'm glad it's you." He paused before speaking again, "Lucy?"


"There is a dirt section of the floor in the hallway where the tile is loose."


"Dig down underneath the foundation. I tried but there wasn't time for me to dig up and out the other side."

"Will I have enough time?"

"You know before everything I had a crush on you. When you asked for a tutor I was so excited that you thought of me first."

"Really?" She was blushing hard having forgotten the question she had just asked. "Wait- Bruce will I have enough time?" Nothing. "Bruce?" He was gone.

Bruce wasn't there anymore as she sighed and hung up the phone. How could she sleep with this new knowledge? Easy answer: She just won't. 

༒༒ ༒  

Hurt. Her hands hurt. She had nothing else to dig with except her hands and right now they hurt. She had been digging for hours. She had a hole that she could stand in and the surface reached about her knees which were pretty okay for a few hours. She scooped up another handful of dirt and carried it to the toilet as she flushed the evidence down the drain.

When she finally decided that she couldn't do it anymore she took a wrapped rug and unrolled it over the hole. There, it could wait to be finished another time. She smiled proudly as she turned around and gasped. 

There he stood, Robin. 

He rubbed his eyes lazily as he yawned. "Lulu, what are you doing?"

"Just using the toilet?" It came out more like a question. 

"You were using it one hundred times? Stop lying what were you doing?" 

She wanted to answer but it could wait, "I'll show you tomorrow but you have to sleep right now amor."

"Promise you'll show me tomorrow?"

"Promise. But let's go to bed because I'm tired." She spoke softly as she grabbed his hand in hers and led him to the bed. 

As she took Robin's hand it didn't go unnoticed that her hand was rough and dirty but he didn't question it because he trusted her.

As they crawled into bed she curled herself up for warmth as Robin laid behind her tense.

He desperately wanted to wrap his arm around her, to provide her with warmth, and make sure she is safe. He just needed to do it. But would she think he was a creep? He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

She rolled over and put her head in his chest as she grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her in a swift sudden movement. "You're too tense amor, just relax. We are going to be okay." 

"Where is this sudden hope coming from? I thought you were giving up. Not that I'm complaining though."

"I just had a nice talk tonight." She moved up so they were eye level on the bed

"With who?" He glanced down at her lips. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She smiled softly as she caught his eyes.

"Try me." He didn't bother to look up this time. Just kept staring at her lips.

"Remember Bruce Yamada?"

Sorry, I didn't do an update last week but I got one this week. so Here yall go.  WHY IS MIGUEL SO FINE

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