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"So let me get this straight." Robin had his hands on his head as he paced back and forth. It wasn't until now that Lucy noticed his belt was missing, his prized buckle. 

She shouldn't have been so surprised. Of course, The Grabber would take it, he probably saw it as a weapon and didn't want to risk having Robin keep it. But still, it saddened her as it was his pride. 

"You talked to Bruce Yamada on the phone last night?" 

"Yeah," A faint smile played on Lucy's lips as she remembered the confession and his voice.

Unknowingly to Lucinda a slight hint of jealousy washed over Robin's face but he covered it up quickly as he cleared his throat, "So what did," He held up his hands to make air quotes, "Bruce," He lowered his hands back at his sides, "say?" 

"He was just saying hey," Lucy spoke in a breathy tone as the smile never left her face. 

"So Bruce Yamada, who has been missing for weeks, just called you just to say, 'Hey Lucy how are you doing?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds stupid." Lucy glared at the boy who rolled his eyes dramatically

"It just sounds stupid in general!" 

"Are you saying you don't believe me?" Robin stopped a minute from looking as Lucinda had an offended look on her face and he had to think quickly.

What could he say to tell her he didn't believe her without sounding like a total dick? Nothing, he could say nothing. His only option was to agree with her.

"No," He scoffed and looked away and when he looked back at her again she had an eyebrow arched, "No, seriously I believe you."

"You don't sound like you do. Do you really think I would joke about something like this?" Her voice dripped with plead as she silently begged him to believe, to trust her. And with that look in her eye, the pain evident by the crease of her eyebrows, he believed her. He truly did

Softly placing a hand on each side of her head he slowly brought his forehead to hers. At the contact a spark ignited in both of them, each wanting to speak words that they both knew but were too scared to communicate, physical contact made up for the words unsaid. "Mi amor, I believe you, honestly I do." He stared into her eyes to 

"Thank you." 


"What do you think they're doing right now?" Robin asked. They were laid out on the bed looking at the ceiling, or the house floor. When he said' they' Lucy knew what he was referencing. He was talking about the town and the people.

"They're probably having an assembly and shit at school talking about 'oh they are safe and sound and we are working on it and I bet the girls are probably crying, " She put on a mock cry face and grabbed Robin's hand, " and saying shit like 'oh poor Robin all scared and alone. I miss him so much we were so close.' " 

Robin chuckled at her antics and rolled his eyes, "Is that jealousy I hear, Lulu?" The boy teased. Their hands were still holding each other and neither of them showed any signs of letting go. 

"Jealous? Nope. They can cry about you all they want but I know you like spending time with me more than you do with them." Lucy had said it so smoothly as if it was a hello, but in reality, her heart was racing. He did like spending time with her...right? 

"Okay, you win." He had begun to run his thumb along her hand that was held in his. Caressing her hand just to show how much he appreciated her. 

Really short filler chapter. Deal with it

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