Psychopath's dreams

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this poem is mature
(showing unconsious mind of mentally ill person). Skipp if this content disturbs you.***

I don't often have any dreams,
sleeping in deep blackness.
I don't object for this state,
there is nothing to expect.

But once in a while, they appear.
Those vivid scenes of a crime
where someone I love will die,
and their screams I will hear.

I wake up sweating,
blood is all I see,
feeling my body shivering.
Looking in those people in front of me.

They are all alive.
Laughing and sending me love.
But a cold handle of a knife
make me doubt in my life.

Why do I still feel this metal near,
when all of that should be a dream?

Hello dear reader!

This one is a bit creepy, but it was very interesting to write from a psychopath's POV.

As I imagined this persona, it is still normal human, but with strange and too vivid dreams, that he starts to doubt if they are just a dreams afterall. But one morning, after one of those dreams, he wakes up finding a knife in his hand. It is covered with blood. Outside of a hotel room, one of person's friends is missing. And he knows. He knows he did it.

I got inspiration for a book, or short story about this poem, so let me know if you would be willing to read it?


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