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Reader is 25

"Mom?" I gently nudge her shoulder as she lay sprawled on the couch. Bottles of wine, some laying on their sides, lay on the side of the coffee table beside the couch. I sigh when I know she was passed out and I gently lift the blanket below her and drape it over to her shoulders. I walk out of the room and head into my own. I would hang out with one of my friends, but mom never took time to get me a phone so I could stay in touch. Weird enough, we don't even have a house phone. I flop backwards onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. Moms going to have a bad hangover after this and I can only expect the scolding that will begin. I groan as I rub my face and stare at the wall. The different posters hung up instead light a fire in me as I think of the time me and mom watched one of them. Before she turned into a drunk. I was around 7 at the time, 2 years after I left my dad.

"Y/n!" I jolt, immediately sitting up when I hear my sister come in. "Where's mom? I need to tell her something."

"Don't bother." I mutter, spite in my tone. "She's passed out again."

"That's the second time this week." She grumbles and I can tell we're both getting sick of it. "Whatever. I'm leaving with a friend. If she wakes up, let her know."

"Doubt she will, but okay." I give her a sarcastic salute which makes her roll her eyes as she shuts me door, walking out. I flop back down on my back and close my eyes, a headache forming from the fire burning in me.

"God, I wish I had something to do." As if on cue, a loud peck on my window makes me open my eyes and quickly sit up. I turn around and see a falcon. A beautiful blue and dark blue colors spread across the falcons feathers and small specks of black spread on top. I've heard about them but never seen one. A peregrine falcon. I narrow my eyes as I raise an eyebrow when their beak taps gently now on the window and they tilt their head. I stand up as I slowly make my way to my window, my hand grazing along the edge of the bed as I walk towards it. Normally they can be a bit aggressive around people, but the whole demeanor of the bird made it seem unlikely. Did someone in Wales own one?

"Hey." I say my voice low almost a whisper as I tried to make myself appear friendly. My hands brush the bottom of the window as I think whether to open it or not. I look from the window to the bird, it's eyes seeming to speak to me. A comforting feeling seems to wash off their gaze and I feel myself opening the window. I stop halfway and the falcon seems to give me a confused look. I give the bird a lopsided smile as I spoke. "If I let you in, please don't freak out." I warn and I finish opening it, quickly stepping back when the bird flies in quickly. It's feathers ruffled a moment before letting out a squawk at me. "Didn't I say not to freak out?" I say surprised as I narrow my eyes at the bird and it seems to look irritated as it shook it's head. Wait, how do I know how it's feeling? "Are you hurt?" I ask as I step forward to help the bird, but instead it flares it wings open as it squawks at me again. The falcon flies up, landing on the windowsill and looks down. I move over slowly, surprised when the bird moves a little to the side so I can look out, and I spot a man walking towards the door. His hair was a dark gray and he had dark skin and seemed to be an older man. I give the bird a confused glance, surprised when it looked at me the same time.

"Is that your owner?" I ask and it's feathers ruffled and I could tell it was somehow offended. "I'm going to take that as a no...?" A knock on the door draws my attention and the falcon jumps in front of me when I go to leave my room to answer it. "What? I can't just ignore him." I say and the falcon gives me a glare. Who knew I was intimidated by a falcon. "Fine, I won't answer it." I sit on the side of my bed and the falcon jumps beside me, startling me at first. The bird glances at me for a moment, giving me somehow a reassuring look. I raise an eyebrow as it comes over and places a seat in my lap. I lift a hand and gently stroke the head feathers back as I smile a bit.

"You're an interesting bird." I remark with a small laugh when it flies up, standing on my head and moves it's head down to my eye level. It's eyes express almost curiosity and care as it looks me over. "Are you from around here?" I ask as if expecting an answer. "Oh dear, I think I'm going crazy now. Thinking a bird can answer now." I laugh a little and suddenly a knock on the door makes us both jump. "You should go, my sister would kill me if she saw you here." I say as I practically move over to the window. The falcons concerned gaze meets mine and I reword what I said. "No, not literally." I say as I sit the bird down on the window. "Go, hurry!" I whisper shout and the peregrine falcon eventually flew off and I shut my window.

At least something new happened.

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