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"You did what?"

My gaze goes over to Jacob as he stood in the kitchen. He gives me an excited look as he pressured me into telling him what happened last night. Well, not everything.

"And do not tell the others just yet. You're lucky I even told you." I say with a grin and he nods before leaving the room when Alma walks in.

"He's not pestering you, is he?" She asks with a smile and I shake my head. She comes over to me as I leaned against the sink, my eyes meeting the window. I smile when I feel her hug me from behind as a soft pink color floods my cheeks. The smell of vanilla was strong as she leans her chin on my shoulder. Should I tell her about the crow? I don't know yet, maybe the dream was a mistake? Horace could never make one up though...

"What's on your mind, love?" I hear her ask as it comes out a bit muffled from my shirt. I smile warmly a little as I look at the children outside.

"Nothing but you." I say gently and I feel her chuckle against me as she plants a kiss on my cheek when she lifts her head. A few feet running through the halls makes both of us jump, the peaceful demeanor changing. I glance outside the window and notice the children running in. Panicked, I run towards the door when Claire bumps into me crying.

"Hey, Claire, what's going on?" I ask concerned and she points outside to where I was standing by the door. "Is something outside?"

"A hollow?" Alma questions just as concerned and she shakes her head.

"A crow was outside." She says through her sobs and holds up her hand that has a deep cut on it. I take her hand as I look over it, taking her in my arms.

"Could you stay here for a moment?" I ask and she nods as I go towards the door and open it as the children practically ran in.

"Now calm down, it's just a crow." I say with a smile tugging on my mouth a bit, but when I see Alma look towards the door way, anger visible on her face I look over to the door as well.

I was face to face with my father.


"Well, hello little wildflower." He says, the nickname disgusting me as he tilts my head up with his finger. It had no comforting touch as Almas was and I gave him a glare as I pulled away.

"How are you here?" I ask and he holds his hands up.

"Now isn't that a harsh way to greet your father." He says innocently as if he was hurt. He grabs my arms, trying to bring me into a hug and when he does I go as stiff as I board. I shoved him off and he frowned for a moment.

"How are you here?" I press more and he smiles a bit. He takes a random pause and I can smell the alcohol coming off of him.

"Well wildflower, I myself am peculiar. Looks as if you are as well." He sneers and I still remained tense even when Alma stepped beside me.

"Leave my loop." She says stern as she narrows her eyes at him. He was the same height as her and that's what made me nervous. He could do anything to her.

"Oh but I just now got to see my daughter again after what? 11 years or so?" He says as he grabs my arms suddenly. His eyes seemed deranged as he looked into mine. "I finally found you and I'm not letting you go."

"Get your bloody hands off of her!" I was surprised a bit when Enoch spoke up and my father gave him a frown as he dropped his hold on me and stood straight again. Alma stepped in front of me and practically shoved him out the door.

"Stay out of my loop and from her." She says firmly and he laughs.

"It seems she finally made more friends. That's a surprise, seeming as she's just like me." He says as he looks down at his nails as he holds his hand up before lowering it with a smile.

"She is nothing like you." Alma snaps and I step up placing a hand on her back that he couldn't see.

"Now calm down, I've got this handled." I whisper to her as I give her a stern look and I step forward a few steps ahead of her and he grins.

"Have you decided to stay?" He asks and I scoff as I couldn't help but give him a unbelievable grin.

"Stay? Oh no, that's the last thing I want." I say and I hear Enoch laugh rather loudly and Millard shushing him. "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for leaving my mom. Thank you for leaving me and my sister alone with no father as he goes around doing hell knows what!" I say and my smile fades as I feel my rage building and I step closer to him. "Thank you for being the low life alchoholic father figure in my life who's let me return home harmed from your so called parenting! Thank you for leaving me every day hoping and wishing for an escape that we both know was way too far fetched for me to achieve! Thank you for every fucking thing you've done to me and my mother!" I didn't notice that I was so close to him until the anger faded and instead hurt shown. The hurt I've known all too well. When I seen his eyes meet mine, I was hoping there was still a spark of him left. There wasn't. Instead he seemed as if none of this had any affect on him. That's what hurt the most. There was no emotion, no reassuring, no apologizing for the hell he out me and my family through.

There was nothing.

"Just get out of my sight." I say my voice shaky and low as I fight back tears. He simply closed his eyes before shifting back into a crow and gave me one last look before leaving. Leaving the loop.

When the chapter ends up being a bit too personal but you publish it anyway.

Anyways I just wanted to say thank you to NumberOneMilfSimp for being the greatest friend and being their amazing self. Thank you for all the support and I appreciate you so much <3

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