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Jacob and I had to eventually leave the loop to continue the search for her. On the way, we stopped by the local bar to see if there was a possibility of her being there. Jacob opens the door and walks in before I do and the smell of alcohol fills the room. A few men glanced over but looked away as I scanned over the area. Without asking me first, Jacob went towards the counter to ask the woman who was busy working getting drinks ready. She seemed to be about the same age as y/n and her long blonde hair was pulled back with a hairtie.

"Hi, what can I do for you two?" She asks in a surprisingly polite tone for someone who works in a bar.

"Have you seen an older man with a woman come in here at all?" Jacob says desperate for an answer.

"I've seen a lot, kid. Do you have a description on them? I might be able to help." She says as she seems to take in the information as she uses a rag to clean out a cup.

"The man seemed to be in his late 40s, he's about the same height as her." He says as he nods my way. "He had dark hair also with a black overcoat on. The woman has (your color eyes) along with (your color hair)."

"What was she wearing?" The woman pushes and Jacob looks at me for an answer.

"She was wearing a black button up shirt with a long navy blue skirt." I say with a determined look and the woman takes it into thought.

"I think I seen them earlier. The man came up and ordered two drinks. If you two are looking for her that would explain why he seemed in a hurry to leave." She says and me and Jacob look at each other in worry for a moment before back at her. "Tell you what, my boss has another one working here. My shifts almost over anyway, I'll see if I can leave a few minutes early." She says as she walks out. A few minutes pass and she came running over and stepping out from behind the table.

"Good news, he says I can. Now I might be able to track him down, follow me." She says and I raise an eyebrow. She hands me her wallet that was tucked in her coat, flipping to her police idea. "I'm an undercover agent. You just so happened to catch me at a good time." She says and I smile a bit out of relief. "I know most where we can find him. He's had a few police records before so it shouldn't be hard."

"We really did get lucky." Jacob says making her laugh a bit. She pulls out her phone, seeming to look up the directions based off of it. She didn't seem to mind the crossbow I forgot I was carrying for a moment which confused me.

"Alright, follow me." She says after a moment and we make out way to a small house that seemed to be in a bit of rouch condition. She knocks hard on the door, motioning us to move to the other side of the door, me preparing the crossbow in case. She nods as she breaks down the door aiming into the room. "Alright, put your hands up!" She moves her gun throughout the roomroom, narrowing her eyes as she did. Jacob stood beside me as she nods for us to follow her. Suddenly an older man who I recognized as him comes out with a gun in his hand. I push Jacob out of the way as he fires a bullet, thankfully none of us getting shot.

"Lower the weapon!" She shouts and when he fired again so did she. She suddenly flew back and I knew immediately she got shot.

"Jacob go find y/n, I'll stay here and handle him." I say quickly and he nods as he runs upstairs and I aim my crossbow.

•••Jacobs POV•••

"Y/n?" I say in a quiet room. I checked every room and this was the last. It was dark in this room, as the sky was getting darker and I knew reset would be coming soon. "Y/n, he's not going to hurt you, I promise. It's Jacob here. Please make a noise if you're here." There was a slight pause until to my relief I hear a strangled yell from the corner of the room. I head over and find a window on the war, realizing it's covered. I quickly uncover it to get a better view on where she was and gasped when I saw her in the corner of the room, a rag wrapped around her mouth, her eyes wide as tears welled in them. Her arm and ankle was bleeding and I seen the scarlet red running down her arm and covering the floor around her. My eyes widen as I rush over to her as she struggles to undo the rope that tied her ankles together and her wrists from behind her back.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Hold still so I can undo these." I assure her and she calms down a little as I undo the ones around her wrists and then her ankles. I then untie the rag that was clamped inside her mouth and throw it aside as she gives me a panicked look. It seemed as if she was here for hours and when she spoke her voice came out hoarse.

"Jacob, what are you doing here?" She asks shocked to see me and I help her up, her wincing at the pain in her ankle and shoulder.

"Miss Peregrine and I went searching for you. She found out a few hours after you were taken." I explain and she gives me a worried expression.

"Jacob, you can't be here. My father is a mad man and will kill you if he sees you." She beggs and as if on cue, a shot rang out from downstairs. I panic knowing Miss Peregrine was down there.

"Y/n, come on. Please!" I beg and eventually she follows me downstairs. I glance over the stairwell and see that Miss Peregrine was alright. She had the gun from the girl earlier and shot him, the crossbow lying in the other side of the room. I went to walk downstairs and noticed that she couldn't because of her ankle.

"Miss Peregrine!" I shout to get her attention and she quickly turns, looking up at me worried. "We need your help." I say and I could see her relief when I said so.

She practically races up the steps and I could tell the hurt and relief she had when she saw y/n.

"Thank the birds you're alright." Miss P says as she kneels in front of her, checking over her.

"Not exactly 'alright' but well enough." I joke and when Miss P gave me a glare I seen y/n send me a weak smile.


When you have a bunch of bad luck, there's always that one bit of luck that appears!

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