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"Now that I'm awake it's going to be impossible to sleep now since someone didn't wake me." I mention and she rolls her eyes at me with a smirk. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady." I mock and she gives me an offended look, though a smile was quickly there instead.

"For not feeling well, you still are as stubborn as always." She smirks and I feel myself blush as my eyes meet hers. A flash of black by the window makes me jump and I glance out the window. A crow was standing by the windowsill, it's eyes on me. Even though I didn't know who they were or if it was just a regular bird, I still felt uncomfortable with it's gaze. Miss Peregrine didn't notice as she was a bit deep in thought in the moment the conversation paused. I smile at her fondly as she seems to be deep in thought, her eyes looking away from mine. She glances up and smiles when she sees me.

"It's rude to stare." She says and I smile, taking in the moment.

"I'm sorry, it's hard not to." The words accidently slip out and I notice a tad bit of red appearing on both our faces. But she couldn't love me, does she? She couldn't. "You should go lay down, I'm going to be up all night." I say with a small laugh as the corners of my mouth tug up.

"And leave you alone? No, I'm staying up with you whether you like it or not." She argues with a fond smile.

"No, you already stayed up enough last night." I protest back, irritated at her stubbornness. She simply chuckles before saying more.

"No, I'm staying up." She says with a smirk.

"Go to bed." I say back, holding down a smile.

"No." She ends the conversation quickly before laughing at my fake pout. "You are adorable when you're mad."

"Who says I'm mad?" I retort with a smirk and she rolls her eyes. I go to get up but she pulls me back down, the smirk still on her face.

"You're not getting up, now lay down." She says and I frown.

"I'm not tired." I say and a smile shows when she lays on top of me.

"Well, I'm not letting you get up." She retorts as she lays on top me, her chin propped on my chest as I laugh a little.

"Now who's the stubborn one?" I smirk and she laughs a little when I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
oh, the stories still going..
Alright, carry on))

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring and the weight of something on top of me. I open my eyes to see Miss Peregrine on top of me and my face reddens as I started feeling flustered. Her head was lying against my chest and it took everything in me not to give a small peck on her forehead. Although, it was nice seeing how peaceful and calm she was when she was asleep.

"You guys are in denial, I swear to the birds." I jump when I hear Enoch in the door way, accidently waking Miss Peregrine. He walks off and I realize we must have slept in if the children were already up. Still half asleep, Miss Peregrine nuzzled into me more, not realizing it was me. I feel my cheeks burn as she does and I know I have to wake her but I just can't. I look over her and it was adorable seeing her sleeping. I knew though that we need to get up so I gently brushed her hair away, causing her to shift as she slowly opened her blue eyes. At first, she didn't notice me until she seen my gaze and immediately her eyes went wide and her cheeks started turning pink.

"I am so sorry, I thought I was upstairs." She says hurriedly and sits up off of me and I tried to hide a pang of disappointment when she did.

"It's alright, it seemed you slept well." I comment. "At least you know I stayed in bed all night." I joke which makes her laugh a little.

"You two are adorable." I jump again at the sound of a new voice, this time it belonging to Emma. I struggle to give her a lopsided grin and Miss Peregrine stands as she makes her way to the kitchen. Did I do something wrong?

"Miss Bloom, that's enough. Now go out in the garden with the others while I get breakfast ready." She says and Emma walks outside, not questioning the bird.

"Did I do anything wrong?" I ask quickly before she fully leaves the room and she looks back at me confused.

"Of course not, dear. What's made you think that?" I relax knowing she wasn't mad and smile.

"Nothing, just making sure." I say and she nods before walking out. A few minutes pass as I regain myself and she comes in with 2 cups of tea, handing me one. I mumble a thank you and she surprisingly takes a seat beside me.

"Are you feeling better?" She asks and I nod. Her hand presses against my forehead and smiles when it felt normal again. "Sorry again." She says and I blush a little as I give her a smile.

"No, it's alright. You seemed like you slept well and that's all that matters." I say firmly and she didn't argue as she gives me a smirk.

"Stubborn as always." She says and I smile.

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