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"I would've been able to but you had to get in the bloody way!" Enoch shouts and Alma gives him and Jacob a stern look.

"Enough arguing, you've been shouting the whole way back to the loop." Alma says and Enoch rolls his eyes causing an even harder gaze from her.

"Well if Jacob wasn't being so annoying-"

"Annoying? Says the boy who always has to give everyone the speech about why he can't trust them!" Jacob shouts and I hear a few smug words from Enoch.

"Oh don't act as if you haven't!" Enoch retorts.

"That's enough." Alma says in a firm tone that even makes me panic a little from. Enoch and Jacob stopped argueing and the rest of the night walk home was somewhat quiet. The children walked in front of us while Alma and I lingered behind.

"I'm getting you back for that." I mutter with a smile and she tilts her head towards me with a playful grin.

"Now don't say that, little bird. You might frighten me to a point I'll have to send you out." She says sarcastically, and even though she was joking, I gave her a semi panicked look. "Im just kidding, dear."

"Good because I could never leave." I say and I feel her lips press against my cheek before we continue forward.

"And I would never want you to."


I sit up and notice that I'm back in Almas bed. Not there. I'm right here and I'm safe. Almas safe. The children are safe. I sigh as I flop gently onto my back and stare at the ceiling. I can't sleep. I look over to my side and notice Alma was in a deep sleep, the moonlight shining over her. I smile warmly as I brush a strand of hair out of her eyes and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. I sit up and stand from the bed as I put on one Almas shawl tops she sometimes wore with her night gowns. It's a wonder how it gets freezing out during the night. I make my way quietly downstairs, not wanting to wake anybody. I made my way to the chair in the living room and pulled a book out that was sitting on the table. I'm not getting any sleep tonight so I might as well read something.

"Y/n? What are you doing up?" I hear Almas voice in the doorway and glance up. I must have dozed off for a small moment, but surprisingly I wasn't that tired.

"I woke up earlier and didn't want to wake you." I lie. I mean, technically I was sort of telling the truth. She tilts her head slightly as she narrows her eyes at me, but I walk over to her and wrap her into a hug that makes her smile a bit instead.

"You're freezing." She says and I nuzzle into her more from the warmth that radiated off her.

"You're warm." I say which makes her chuckle. She wraps me in her arms and I felt as if I could finally fall asleep, but I couldn't. I have to stay awake. I didn't realize how long we must've been standing until she finally said something.

"You didn't fall asleep on me, did you?" She jokes, but her voice was a bit quiet as if she thought I actually did.

"No, I'm surprisingly wide awake." I say with a smile but it went down when I noticed several mistakes. One, I wouldn't be wearing the nightgown top around this time since it wasn't that cold. Two, I wouldn't be freezing if I just woke up a little before her and three, why would I be surprised that I'm wide awake. I pulled out of the hug and look into her eyes with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. She would kill me if she found out I stayed up all night.

"Everything alright?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and I nod as I fall back into her arms. I would do anything to stay there. "Y/n, whats-"

"Good morning you two."

We both glance over and see Jacob coming downstairs. Alma didn't finish her sentence as she instead turned to yell at him.

"Mr Portman, what have I said about sneaking out!" She scolds when she sees some of the dirt on his shoes. "You have no right to leave this household without me knowing."

"I'm sorry Miss Peregrine, but I think I've found someone y/n would recognize." He explains and her demeanor shifts into confusion.

"Now I highly doubt I would recognize someone from inside the loop that I haven't met before." I say and Alma gives him a hard look.

"That's the thing, they weren't...exactly in the loop..." He says with a uneasy look as Miss Peregrine gives him a furious glance.

"You left the loop? Jacob, why in the world-"

"Never mind that, I found someone that is urgent for y/n to see." Jacob says and I raise an eyebrow as they both look towards me.

"I don't think it's necessarily urgent." I say, wanting to avoid whoever it was. I had a small idea who it might be and I know I don't want to see him.

"But y/n, please, he even says it's urgent that you two meet." He says and I felt a tad bit of panic when I knew who he was talking about.

"My question is why are you talking to strangers?" I say with a nervous laugh but his gaze remains on me.


"Jacob, that's enough." Alma interjected but he continued.

"Y/n, he seems important. You can't pass someone who-"

"Jacob, enough." She says firmly but he seemed as though he was urgent with the idea.

"You have to see him because-"

"Jacob, I don't want to see him!" I shout causing both of them to go quiet. A knock on the door made my gaze move towards there and I walk over, opening it. "God damnit!" I shout as I slam the door.

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