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"Children, it's time for reset."

The others stand up from either the couch or the carpet as they all head outside the front door. I walk along behind them as Alma shortly then follows me. The children all line up as usual as they hand over the gas masks, Alma handing me mine. After everyone was ready, she pulled out her pocket watch glancing a few times at the first set of planes that went by.

I could maybe bring it up with her tonight. We can sit down and talk for a bit. But there's always that one possibility things could go wrong and do I really want to risk everything if I just ask? Yes, I would love to know how I might help her still cope with the lost since clearly she hasn't dealt with it correctly, but at the same time I don't want to stir up past feelings that may have left.

I didn't even realize that the rain that dared to fall started easing backwords and the planes soon started drifting back to where they came out.

The thought of Alma ever pushing me away like that scares me. If I wanted to talk things through with her, I don't want her becoming upset with me and even making me leave the loop. I couldn't. I didn't even notice when she signaled for us to take the masks off, but thankfully it wasn't noticible since she didn't immediately turn around afterwords. The children go inside, Alma in the lead as I linger behind. I really do enjoy over thinking, don't I? I reach the doorway and go to shut it behind me until I feel something get stuck in the door.

"Watch what you're doing!" I hear a voice say and realized it was Millard. Surprisingly he even had clothes on and I seemed to miss him.

"Sorry, Millard. I didn't see you there." I say with a apologetic look as he walks off and I gently shut the door again, careful to make sure no one else was outside. Afterwards I make my way upstairs and I hear someone run up behind me. Emma runs up beside me and I give her a smile that hopefully says I'm-totally-not-panicking-inside.

"Y/n, you seem to be acting a bit odd today." She observes and I feel myself blush from embarrassment which causes her to smile. "I knew it! Is it about Miss Peregrine? Oh my birds, did you-"

"We certainly did not." I cut her off with a firm tone as I feel myself redden from what she meant. Instead she gives me a confused smile.

"Then why have you been uptight all day?" She says and I raise an eyebrow causing her to sigh. "It's pretty obvious somethings on your mind."

"I didn't think it was that noticible." I try to stall avoiding the question as we made our way up the second row of stairs.

"What is it?" She asks and she tries to help me but I can only feel myself about to snap and I don't know why. I just needed to think and it wasn't helping.

"I can always tell Miss P if you need to talk-" I cut her off with a glare and she knows that it would be best not to bring anything up to her. After a few moments of silence she sends me a small goodnight before heading to bed. The truth is, there's more bothering me than just wanting to know more about Victor and what it did to her. I want to know more about Alma, but at the same time I don't want to sound nosy. Would it be rude if I brought anything up with her? Would I make her more upset than before? God damn it, Enoch. If you would have kept your mouth shut I wouldn't be thinking about this. But then again, I'm just a bit relieved to know I'm taking away some of the emptiness that grew within her when her little boy left. She had to be here, alone with no one to talk to. She certainly could not talk to the children about it as she wouldn't want to put that burden on them. But now when she finally has someone, she doesn't bother opening up. She doesn't bother to help herself and that's what bothers me. As selfish as it might be, I want her to open up. To show me that she is more than the firm confident woman she is. Yes, that's a good thing, but it just means she's hiding what else she's been feeling. I have to talk to her tonight, but bring it up gently. One way for someone to open up is to slowly let them trust you.

I'm not entirely sure if she trusts me just yet.

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