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••Almas POV••

I woke up noticing the empty space beside me and sigh out of worry. I shouldn't have got snippy with her last night. She was concerned and I should have took how she felt to to thought. I stand and go to the restroom, changing out of my night gown and into my usual outfit before heading downstairs. I half expected to find her busying herself in the kitchen, but I seen her when I pass the living room. I stop by the doorway and glance over at her, half thinking she was awake. She wasn't. The heels of my shoes click quietly as I make my way to her, slowly kneeling in front of her. A book lays on her chest and I noticed the red around her eyes and nose and felt a pang of guilt when I noticed she had been upset. She looked peaceful though as she was wrapped in the night gown top I gave her and was leaned into the back of the couch, her head propped up on the arm rest of it. Despite her demeanor, I still have to move her. I gently lay my one hand underneath her legs, the other behind her back and lift her as I make my way to the staircase. Because of the sudden warmth she absent mindedly nuzzled closer into me as I make my way to the bedroom. Walking over to the edge of the bed, I gently lay her down bringing the covers up over her afterwards. I half expected her to wake up like she normally does but she didn't which surprised me. I push a strand of hair away from her face as I plant a kiss on her forehead, then making my way downstairs. Was I mad at her? No, that's as clear as day. It was just in the moment with it being off topic it just threw me off for a moment. I understand her concern and I should have taken it to thought more.

And Victor? Was I still the same after what happened? I feel as if I am, but at the same time I feel as if I don't. Yes, it was devastating and it hurt so much when my darling boy left and I thought I dealt with it properly. Shoving it away to the corner of my mind trying to forget than feel. I let out a sigh as I take out a few plates from the cup board. Maybe I should talk with her once she's awake. She's probably right. I place the plates on the table and glance over when I hear someone behind me. A small part of me hoped it was y/n, but it wasn't. It was Enoch. He seemed a bit off as well and I sent him a confused look when he caught my gaze.

"Good morning, Enoch." I say before continuing setting the plates and then turning towards the kitchen to get the glass cups out.


"Is everything alright?" I ask, confused he hasn't made even one sarcastic comment yet. He simply shrugs and I raise an eyebrow. "I'll take that as a no?"

"Where's y/n?" He asks and I was surprised.

"She is upstairs resting as she was up late. Why?" I question and his gaze went down for a moment before returning to mine.

"I heard you two arguing last night." He puts simply and before I could answer he continues. "I was worried that you might have made her leave."

"Enoch, I would never." I say and he looks away with a small nod. "Yes we may have had a small argument, but that's not ending things. No ones perfect and it's completely normal to have small arguments here and there. It's much more healthy than not bringing anything up." I explain as I carry the cups to the table, Enoch helping. There was a moment of silence as he helped me and before he left to wake the others I stopped him. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes." He says and goes upstairs but stops midway for a moment. "Thank you." And with that, he left.

Okay, but I love writing about Enoch and Miss P😭❤

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