Coffee and investigating

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Barry was late getting to Jitters, but that was fine with me. I just flurted with Ms. Waitress for a phone number. SCORE! I Then Barry walked in. He had a bag under his arm as he came over to the table. On the bag was the lable: Subway." Hi, sorry I'm late, I stopped to pick up my lunch."

"No prob. So about your work at S.T.A.R. Labs, what exactly do you do there??"

Barry though for a moment and replied," Well, it's kind of like a help group. We find people whose lives we ruined by the explosion and try to help in any way we can."

"Can you give me an exsample?" I asked. Wow, trying to write while asking intelligent questions is hard.

"Well last week I..." Barry stopped suddenly, staring behind me like he saw a monster."I-I have to go. I forgot... we'll do this later." And with that he was out the door, leaving his sandwich behind.

Who could have scared him? I wondered confused. I looked around, but no one seemed out of the ordinary. I looked to watch Barry leave but he was gone. How did he get away so fast??

-----Library: 8:30-----

I sat at the computer screen reading about different accidents that happened. The library was closed but one of the student librarians owed me a favor, as did a lot of people. I was never without friends. Very few of these articles were of any interest to me. Boring, boring boring wait go back! What is this!!?! The article was about the people in the hospital because of S.T.A.R. Labs.

"The hospitals are still full after the Particle Accelerator explosion one months ago including Detective Joe West's son Barry Allen who has been in a coma since he was struck by lightning that is believed to be caused by the Particle Accelerator."

That's weird. Barry was struck by lightning and was in a coma. COOL! I mean that's horrible but its also really cool. Here's another one.

"Forensic scientist Barry Allen is being moved to S.T.A.R. Labs after mysterious lightning strike that is having a toll on the young comatose patient. S.T.A.R. Labs is making promises to anyone with mysterious side affects that they will discover the origin of any problems."

This is weird. Why was Barry moved to S.T.A.R. Labs? What kind of mysterious side effects? So many questions were running through my head as I wrote down what I was reading. I have to get to the bottom of this. So, I call in another favor.

---------Central City High computer lab 9:00---------

I called my friend Val Jinx, an unfortunate name but she was the biggest computer nerd in school. "Hey Val, listen I have a favor to ask," I said into my cell phone.

"I already told you, I'm not going to make the screen savers in school 'Wally is awesome"

"Yeah, I know you turned me down. It's not about that," Val had some weird stuff in her past and apparently her sister is an official hacker in Starling City. If anyone at our school knew that, she would be kicked out for her family. "I need you to hack in to Jitters."


"I need to check the camera footage from the last few days."

"I ask again: Why??"

"There's something I need to look at."

And Kid Flash was BornWhere stories live. Discover now