Happy Family

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There in the white hospital room, a frail yet beautiful person could be seen lying on the bed. Their limbs were very skinny, their face pale as a ghost. There the person lay on the bed with a calm expression on their face, the complete opposite of his surroundings. Doctors and nurses could be seen rushing in and out in a panic.

Sun Baohai swept his eyes at the panicking doctors and couldn't help but be confused. The moment he was hospitalized he knew he was a lost cause, so the day of his death arriving didn't surprise him much. 

Being born as an omega was already considered unlucky, and being infertile to top that was like ending his life. When he was diagnosed with PCOS, his parents didn't hesitate to abandon him, and his friends also didn't hold back on shunning him. An omega who couldn't give birth, what was their purpose?  He was never optimistic about his parents or his friends so he wasn't too hurt. 

He went to a small college and graduated without the help of his parents or relatives. He couldn't really have a successful career with his hormones so unbalanced, so it was surprising that he could become a preschool teacher at the most prestigious school in the capital. He worked there for three years before his illness got worst. 

With his illness so bad, he had to be hospitalized. PCOS was not a terminal illness but it was deadly for omegas whose lives depend on their hormones. At first, it wasn't so bad, he would feel some faint pain but it was bearable. Most of the time he would just take some painkillers and the pain would be calmed.

But as time went by, his condition got worse, and at some point, he couldn't even eat. So he had to be fed by an IV. With the food not having the things his body needs to survive his organs also started failing and this is where the pain really began. The doctor has been fighting death with him for two years now and looking at his monitor, he could tell who won. 

As he ignored the chaos, Sun Baohai slowly turned his head toward the monitor. His beautiful hazel eyes which had long lost their shine peered at the machine. At the end of his life, he had no family, no friends, only a machine. A machine that was the painful reminder of how lonely he truly was. He was really going to die here alone, on a rainy day, with nobody whatsoever.

"Wouldn't have been nice for it to be sunny today?" Sun Baohai said to the nurse in front of him.

"P-pardon?" The nurse was confused. This patient rarely spoke during the two years he was hospitalized. He only painted or read in his free time but he never spoke, so it was surprising.

"A sunny day would've been perfect," Sun Baohai said, his lips slowly forming an arch as he looked outside of the window. Tears appeared as though his suffering had finally accumulated into a downpour.

"Mr. Sun?" The nurse was surprised to see such devastation on the face of a smiling person.

"I'm tired," That's all Sun Baohai, said but these words seemed to have been so heavy to carry, that his shoulder immediately dropped after saying it. The weight of these words would only appear heavy to the people who had actually carried it most of their lives, unable to put it down and take a break.

It was the first time he said these words. It was the first time he's wept. He didn't cry when the harsh words of his mother reigned down on him. He didn't cry when it became routine for his father's anger to be taken out on him. He didn't even cry when the worse that could happen to an omega happened to him. 

It's not that he didn't want to cry, but more like he couldn't cry. Crying would've meant he lost to war that even he himself didn't know he was fighting. Crying would've meant that he was proving his parent's words true. Crying would've to mean dying. So he eventually forgot how to cry. He eventually forgot how to be tired. He eventually forgot how to feel. He eventually forgot that he was human. He was human.

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