The Trial Begins

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The next morning Sun Baohai made some sweet potato millet porridge for breakfast. The family ate the porridge with relish before drinking a cup of soy milk. Wang Yuanjun was a mature kid and was very grateful for his aunt taking them in so he tried to work hard. He cared for his little cousins and tried to do chores, so as soon as everyone was done with breakfast he cleared the table.

"Yuanjun, aunt knows you feel awkward but you acting like this will make aunt feel even more awkward. Just like my children, you're also a child, so relax okay?" Sun Baohai coaxed as he took the plates from Yuanjun's hands. Since he didn't turn back, he didn't see the red eyes of Yuanjun. To Yuanjun, apart from his mom, no one had ever treated him kindly.

Since he wasn't going to work today he planned on seeing the progress of the kids. He's been here for a little more than a month and he had been teaching the kids every day when he had time, but he never had time to evaluate them so today was a good day for that.

"Okay, kids come and show Mommy what you learned so far,"  Sun Baohai said as he sat down. The kids felt a little nervous yet they obediently went to get their stuff and started showing their mommy their progress. The twins were the oldest so they of course knew more, and Sun Baohai gave them more work. Xiao Yan was also quite smart but he only knew how to write very few characters.

{Ding! Ding! New mission triggered! Educate the twins with basic childhood knowledge!   Reward: 10 points, 2 silver hairpins, 3 silver taels! Mission progress: 32%}

Immediately after Sun Baohai heard of the rewards he sat up straight. It's so much! 

"Mommy's children are so smart! How can you learn so fast?" Sun Baohai praised as he hugged the kids. He really meant it. He had barely taught the kids for a month but their progress was already this high. The kids felt a little shy but they felt a little prideful in their hearts. Mommy said they were Mommy's children.

{Qiqi's affection has risen by 5% and Xiao Xi's affection has risen by 8%! Keep up the hard work host.}

Hearing that Sun Baohai's heart was filled with warmth and decided to cook something delicious for the kids, but before he even got up, there was a loud knock on the door. Sun Baohai and Zhang Yingtai looked at each other before getting up. They were prepared for this since this morning so they had dropped the babies off at Aunt Lin's and planned to leave Yuanjun here with the kids. 

So he pretended to be clueless and went to open the door. The two Yamen officers were stunned by the beautiful ger in front of them. He was wearing a plain blue and green aoqun yet his beauty did not diminish one bit. When he looked up confusedly at the yamen officers they felt their heart skip a beat.

The way Old Lady Wang had described this ger made one think he was a vile-looking thing, but in reality just how much havoc could a small ger wreck if he was not forced to do so? But what mattered wasn't their opinion, they were here on the order of the magistrate.

"We're here on the order of the magistrate to come and escort Sun Baohai, and Zhang Yingtai to the Yamen Government Office, for trial." The two soldiers announced.

"Trial?" Sun Baohai asked, his face filled with shock, "What for may I ask?" He continued.

"Wang Yi has sued Zhang Yingtai for failing her duty as a wife and for being unfilial, plus additional charges for kidnapping a descendent of the Wang Family, with you as her accomplice," One of the officers answered.

Sun Baohai nodded with a sigh before turning, "Sister-in-law it seems your mother-in-law has actually sued us, we need to go,"

"Sure, Yuanjun watch over your little cousins, mom will come back later,"  Zhang Yingtai instructed calmly before going to Sun Baohai, but from her trembling hands, one could see how nervous she was. The officers were once again shocked. If the ger was an effortless beauty then the girl was an ethereal beauty. Even if she was severely malnourished, her pretty face was still mesmerizing to look at.

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