Cheng tng

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After he took care of everything, he then took a cart and made his way home. He went to his house to put his stuff down and get the kids from Aunt Lin's house but he noticed a commotion near his house so he sped up. When he got there he saw a chubby old woman yelling at a kneeling severely underweight young woman, who had a very small baby in her hands, and another malnourished boy standing in front of her. He was confused did he know this lady?

"You might not know her, but this is Jinhai's twin sister. She had been married to Widower Wang for a long time and had suffered countless abuse from his family, especially his mother, and eldest son. She had just given birth to a daughter, and Old Lady Wang tried to drown the newborn, leaving her with no choice but to come see you." Aunt Lin explained seeing the perplexed look on his face.

The words spoken to him shocked him. They really tried to drown a little baby?  Just how cold-hearted was the Wang family? This was Jinhai's only real family left in this world, he couldn't let her suffer, plus he himself felt bad for her, it's not like he didn't have enough to feed them too, he would just have to budget a little more.

{No human should be this cold-hearted! Save your sister-in-law, and put the Wang family in their place!

Mission: Save your sister-in-law- 10 points

Side mission: Put the Wang family in their place- 5 jin of pork, 1 pack of cure-all medicine}

'Missions accepted'

"Why is there a commotion in front of my house?" Sun Baohai asked as he stood in front of his house, opposite Old Lady Wang, his face filled with displeasure. Old Lady Wang was a little taken aback by the questioning of the young ger but soon she regained her senses.

"Is it you who entices this useless daughter-in-law to run away and divorce? Did you really think it was going to work?" Old Lady Wang ridiculed.

"My sister-in-law has not run away but planned to divorce her husband. Since your family has tried to kill her newborn how could her heart be at ease sleeping next to coldblooded creatures like the Wang family?" Sun Baohai responded coldly, directly tearing the face of Old Lady Wang. In the village only some people knew that she had tried to drown the newborn, so hearing Sun Baohai say it shocked some people. When Old Lady Wang saw this she went into rage.

"You want to divorce? Then divorce! Just remember that we will have the custody of the kids! You are poor so how could you raise two more kids!" Old Lady Wang shouted furiously as the weak figure on the floor grew more pale.

"You have custody? I don't think so. My sister-in-law may not be able to provide but she will live with me, and I definitely can provide for the kids. Plus our environment is more stable for the kids. There will be no abuse or killing. Not only have you abused your daughter-in-law, but you also tried to kill your granddaughter, and there were many witnesses. Who do you think the court will give the kids to?" Sun Baohai responded leisurely.

The current emperor could be said to be the best emperor of this century, he was fairly young and had barely been on the throne for ten years but his way of thinking was very beneficial to the empire. He had let women and ger enter the workforce, even if there were some restrictions it was still a very big step, and the empire's revenue tripled because of that. He had banned child trafficking and is currently trying to ban slave trading. He also banned child killing, a practice that was very common in this dynasty, where people would give birth instead of taking contraceptives, and would then cruelly kill the child, either by drowning them, strangling them, or even burning them. The village may be far from the capital but they knew the law, yet Old Lady Wang directly went against the law, wasn't that her trying to lose her head?

"You! Since you want to be so tough, I will see you in court!" Old Lady Wang humphed before turning around in anger. Sun Baohai smiled, this is exactly what he wanted. He didn't mention the law because he wanted Old Lady Wang to take him to court, not only would the divorce be cleaner, but he would also avenge his sister-in-law.

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