Job Offer

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While Sun Baohai was getting ready for bed, the system suddenly started talking.

{The host has triggered a new mission. Your mission is to leave a favorable impression on your husband, and for the two of you to get along. Currently, the progress bars show that Zhang Jinhai's favorability towards you is five percent. Please continue to work hard host!} The system said cheerfully.

Sun Baohai was of course happy that his letters and gifts were well received but he suddenly had a question.

'Wait, favorability of people around me matters, or just Jinhai?'

{Everybody has it, the host just needs to ask to see it, though sometimes it might not work that way}

'Can I see the kids?'


Qiqi: Favorabilty- 35%

Xiao Xi: Favorabilty- 37%

Xiao Yan: Favorability- 56%

Xiao Yu: Favorability- 88%}

The numbers weren't that bad, but it seemed like since the twins were a little older it was hard for them to really favor and love somebody with their all after all they've gone through. It seemed like he needed to work more on spoiling the kids, especially the twins.

The next morning for breakfast he made stir-fried tomato eggs with porridge for himself and the kids and fed the baby milk.  After cleaning the house and the kids, he packed some food for the kids and dropped them off at Aunt Lin's house. After dropping the kids off, he then headed to town.

Since this has become a daily routine for him, people in the cart were very friendly to him, and would even save him seats if he were to come late. People made small talk with, him, and he was polite and responded. After he got off the cart he made way for his small shop. Today the line wasn't as long as the last three days, but that didn't worry him. He saw some familiar faces in the line, and that assured him that he indeed, had some loyal customers.

He was supposed to introduce the peach jam yesterday but because of the Zhang family this matter was delayed, so he planned on introducing it today. After going through the line and opening the door for his customers he stood in front of the door in order to make an announcement.

"Dear customers, today I will be introducing peach jam, they are going to be sold for forty wen. There are only ten jars and I will only restock on peach jams every four days, so first come first serve! Please come in," Sun Baohai opened the door as he finished the announcement.

At first, many people had complaints about the price, but as soon as they heard it wasn't going to be sold like the strawberry jam, the thought about price immediately disappeared and they only thought about possessing this jam. Who didn't want to own something someone else didn't have? And truly for such a jar of sweetness, this price was nothing.

In a flash, the peach jam was sold out, and the shop was left with disappointed people checking out with strawberry jam.  

It was about one in the afternoon when Sun Baohai had completely sold everything so he made his way home. As he boarded the cart, he made up his mind to hire somebody. Today when he went to Aunt Lin's house he would ask Lin Ning to come work for him. Her background was clean according to the village. She was honest and had done her primary studies, so she could account well. She was only a little timid, but a little training could fix that.  

He wanted to choose someone more mature but all of the mature ladies and gers we married with kids. He already had kids, so if there was an emergency he wanted to be able to rush to them without worrying about the shop. He couldn't just tell them not to go to their kids, so he could only avoid it early on. 

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