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After bidding their farewells, the two sisters-in-law parted ways. Sun Baohai went to Aunt Lin's house to pick up the kids. It was already about four in the afternoon. He knew that even if the kids ate at Aunt Lin's house they would still be hungry. The food at home was filling and Sun Baohai was very generous in his portions, but the farmers in this village were different. Their food would mostly be thin porridge or gruel. Aunt Lin's family was well off but the best they could eat was white rice with pickled cabbage.

As soon as he got to Aunt Lin's house and the kids saw him they immediately ran over to greet him. He had been living with the kids for a week and a half now and since they were very young in age it didn't really take long to lower their guards a little. Plus the kids had almost memories of their mother and the ones they had were mostly bad ones, so they got along with him pretty well. Even though he still felt a little awkward being called mother, he couldn't deny that he felt a little bit of warmth toward the children.

"Mother, let's go home!" Qiqi said excitedly. Though she said she wanted to go home like this, Sun Baohai knew that she was actually hungry and wanted to eat.

"Okay, let me go get your little brother and let's go," Sun Baohai said gently as he patted her head. Qiqi obediently nodded and followed Sun Baohai into the small yard.

"Aunt Lin, I am here to pick up the kids! Thank you for watching over them!" Sun Baohai thanked as he bowed.

"I thought I told you to stop with all that bowing already! It was just looking over some brats, why make a fuss?" Aunt Lin responded as she waved her hand.

"To me, it's a huge favor. Were they naughty?" Tang Shushui asked jokingly.

"Naughty? These kids were so well-behaved that I thought something was wrong. It was only Xiao Yu who cried from time to time," Aunt Lin responded. Immediately after saying so a baby's cry could be heard from the house.

"That must be Xiao Yu. Lin Ning go get him for Sun Baohai," Aunt Lin ordered her daughter who was sitting next to her.

"Yes, mom," Lin Ning responded obediently. Sun Baohai had an impression of her from coming to the Lin's house to drop off the kids. She turned sixteen this year and the Lin family was looking for potential grooms. She was good at cooking and cleaning and she even finished grade one and was half literate. So Sun Baohai was more relaxed leaving the kids for her to take care of. A moment later, Lin Ning came out with the sill crying Xiao Yu.

"Why are you crying, baby? Did you miss me?" Sun Baohai coaxed as he took Xiao Yu from Lin Ning. After rubbing and stroking his back a few times,  Xiao Yu calm down.

"Wow, he really knows you huh?" Aunt Lin was a little shocked. For a baby to be this attached to someone they've been living with for about two weeks meant that he really treated them well.

"He's just a little fussy sometimes. I have to go cook dinner, so I'll take my leave now. Thank you again." Sun Baohai said.

"No problem," Aunt Lin responded.

After he tried to pick up his basket he realized that he wouldn't be able to carry Xiao Yu if he carried his basket so, Lin Ning was sent to help him carry the basket. It was the afternoon so many villagers were out farming or doing chores. Sun Baohai carrying two children in his arms, and two were walking on his side was quite a scene for them. They had all gossiped about how this small wife of Jinhai would probably mistreat the kids, but in reality, he treated them better than their own family. Look, even walking them back home, he had to carry them. Even the mothers in the village didn't do this for their children not to mention a stepmother?

And who was blind enough not to see the changes in the kids' complexions? Though the kids were still skinny, the bones in their cheeks weren't as prominent anymore, and the damaged skin that had so many rashes on them also started to lighten. Their clothes also became better. With all these things so evident, who would dare to say that he was mistreating the kids?

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