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After getting home Sun Baohai gifted Lin Ning a piece of Osmanthus cake as thanks. After sending her off, he immediately started cooking. Today he decided to make noodle dumpling soup. His dough had been already cut since yesterday so he only had to make the dumplings. The filling of the dumpling was veggies. Sun Baohai was really greedy for meat as he hadn't eaten some for three weeks now but he knew his financial state more than anyone right now and could only push the thought of eating meat to the back of his head.

Even if there was no meat, the noodles and dumplings turned out great. After setting the hot pot noodle on the table he called the kids who were currently practicing the calligraphy. The kids smelled the aroma and immediately went to wash their hands before coming to the table. Since the kids started living with Sun Baohai they more or less followed his rules. One of them was that they had to wash their hands before eating. Sun Baohai was really scared of contracting even a cold in this period when medicine was backward. He wasn't a doctor and barely knew some herbs and medicine that could him except for ginseng, so he paid extra attention to the tidiness of the house.

"Thank you for the meal!" The kids thanked as they picked up their chopsticks.

"Be careful it's hot," Sun Baohai warned as he picked up the baby and prepared to feed him. For the baby, he made some veggie puree and put a little of the noodle broth in there for some flavor. After feeding him a spoon the baby seemed to like it. The kids also ate the noodles with gusto. After feeding the baby, Sun Baohai gave him to the twins who already finished their food and started eating his food.

After dinner was over Qiqi cleared the table while Sun Baohai went to bathe Xiao Xi and Xiao Wan. After he was done bathing the two it was Qiqi and Xiao Yu's turn. While bathing them he checked their hair and noticed that the lice had decreased a lot but there were still some. Their hair had also become healthier, as the yellow color diminished and lush dark color started to take its place. After showering the kids he let them go play among themselves and took Xiao Yu to his room.

Ever since he started taking care of Xiao Yu, the boy had become somewhat sticky to him. If he didn't see him for too long he would cry. Sun Baohai felt strange seeing this but it somewhat warmed his heart knowing that someone, even if it was a tiny human was attached to him like this.

According to the village clock, it was currently seven o'clock so after coaxing the baby to sleep, he went to the room of the children and coaxed them to sleep. After all the kids were sleeping he took out a piece of paper from the stack the original owner had and a thin brush and started writing his response letter to Zhang Jinhai.

Dear Jinhai,

I am Sun Baohai, your new wife and the stepmother of your children. I am nineteen years old, fully educated, and proficient and multiple arts. I have received the letter you sent me. My third sister-in-law delivered it to me and also explained everything I needed to know. I want to assure you that the money sent back is more than enough as I am also currently providing some income, so for now, just focus on living and coming back to the children, and also me, because I do not wish to be widowed at such a young age. Do not worry about the kids as I will take great care of them. They are all adorable and I am fond of them, so please really do focus on yourself. I will try and write you thrice a month if I can. Please take care of yourself.

Sincerely, Baohai

After finishing the letter in an awkward manner, he made a makeshift envelope and put the letter in it. After finishing that task he went outside and took a shower. After the shower, he went and calculated everything he needed for his business. When it was around nine o'clock he finally went to sleep.

At the crack of dawn the next day he woke up and made breakfast. For today's breakfast, he made stuffed scallion pancakes. After waking up the kids and giving them a wipe-down, he brought them to the table, and the half-asleep kids immediately became awake with gluttonous looks on their faces. Seeing how the kids looked, Sun Baohai couldn't help but chuckle. After eating the filling breakfast, each of the kids was given a cup of soy milk. The kids were shocked that they had such a delicacy in their home and couldn't help but look at Sun Baohai in admiration. Seeing their looks, his ongoing heartache about the five points he had just spent on a gallon of soymilk disappeared.

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