𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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♪ Last year I had a breakdown
Thoughts tellin' me I'm lost gettin' too loud ♪

Carlos Sainz POV

I was dumbfounded while I watched the pictures and read the report but seeing that video and hearing the baby's heartbeat I know I couldn't do this with a clean conscience. I was feeling something for this child just by seeing him in a very weird shape and hearing the fastest heartbeat I ever heard. Karma really is a thing. I wasn't ready to go any further with Isa, I didn't want to get married or have children. And here I am, wishing for the time I have this baby in my arms just by seeing a silly video.

"What would you do if I wasn't in the picture?" I ask and she looks down.

"I don't know. I won't lie, I've been through hell and back, and I survived it. I want this baby and I know it sounds weird. But I also don't want him to go through poverty or something just because I decided to be selfish and have him so I wouldn't blame myself" She says and I nod.

"And you want the baby?" I ask and she gives a small nod. I see the waiter coming and get quiet, we thank him for the food and he leaves.

"Are you staying out of it? Would you sign your paternal rights away or pay for an abortion?" She asks and I shake my head almost instantly.

"I don't want to do any of that Maya. I just want to know what decision you would make if I wasn't in the picture. I'm older, it's only 3 years but I'm older. I got my life together. I have a house here in Madrid, I have a job I love and that will give me a nice amount enough to be comfortable for the rest of my life, I come from some money so I can't make the decision based on myself. I need to know how this would affect your life" I say and she looks relieved.

"I'm not going to lie. I have no family, none, I have my two childhood best friends that I live with. I have no job, I just finished my degree and I'm not finding a job that I could call stable or healthy, I work at a coffee shop close to my apartment. I can't make this decision based on myself. I can only tell you that I would like to have this child but I have no conditions to do it alone" She says and I truly appreciate the honesty because not everyone has it nowadays.

"Can we do it together then? Are we going to co-parent and help each other?" I ask and she seems surprised but she quickly nods.

"I would like that. We both have reasons why we couldn't do it alone but we can do it together" She says and I give her a smile.

"Can I see the video again?" I ask and she nods finally smiling.

"I will send it to you" She says and I see the notification from Instagram.

"Do you mind meeting my family? I want to share this with them, they are the sweetest, I swear" I say and she nods smiling.

"Of course I will meet them. Do you have a strong family unit?" She asks and I nod.

"My parents are still together and I have my two sisters, Blanca is older and Ana is younger. I have my dad's name and my mom is called Reyes" I say while she starts eating and I do the same.

"That sounds good," She says and she looks way less tense.

Is this the right decision? Why was I so adamant about not doing it with Isa but now I want this? The situation is hard to compare, the baby is already created, I made it happen and I have to take responsibility. I already feel like I love that baby just from seeing that video and I don't even understand exactly what I am seeing.

We had lunch and talked a bit more here and then. She was good to be with, she wanted to know where I would be going next and when. She looked interested.

"So do you travel for like 9 months of the year?" She asks and I nod.

"I do. Have you ever traveled out of Spain?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I never did. One day I will," She says and I smile.

"You can come with me to Hungary" I say but she seems to think.

"I can't, I always work on the weekends"

"Hm- How about you don't work while pregnant and while our baby is too young for outside childcare? Or maybe you work remotely?" I ask and she laughs.

"I don't have the type of luxury to make that decision Carlos" She says like I was crazy.

"You do. I'm giving it to you. I will pay for your expenses. You can live in my house if you need more space. I can take care of both of you. You shouldn't be working in a stressful environment" I say and she looks speechless.

"Well. I wasn't waiting for that but I'm not really into sitting around all day doing nothing" She says and I try to think about it.

"Well, you could come with me, come to the races, and travel. I will have a summer break in the month of August and you can come too" I say and she shakes her head.

"That is not a good idea. People will notice that I'm pregnant, you can't explain it without letting people know you were sleeping around" She says and I laugh.

"I wasn't sleeping around, it was only you. I had a break-up 4 months ago, I found you interesting and our chemistry was undeniable, it's no shame to have a child, Maya. Don't worry about what people will think. I can take care of it. Just promise me you will think about it. If it makes you feel better your friends can also come to Hungary and I can meet them a bit better than when they were drinking at that club that night" I say and she nods giving a small laugh.

"I will think about it then. Thank you for being so nice. I thought this would be way worse" She says and I let out a laugh.

"The baby is made so I can't really make a fuss about it. It's unexpected but not something I should start a war about. Let's see how this goes" I say and she nods.

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