𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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♫ And I need you to know that we're falling so fast
We're falling like the stars ♫

Carlos Sainz POV

I drove until we stopped in Mallorca, and we went out to dinner. We were talking after eating and I sometimes felt some eyes on me, but I was worried about the eyes on Mata. I'm not stupid. Even the man who was serving us couldn't keep her eyes off of her.

"Can I get you something else?" He asks approaching our table a few minutes after taking our plates away, his eyes were locked on her and everyone was realizing but her.

"No, thank you. We are fine for now" Maya says nonchalantly and he lets out a laugh, he looks at me and I knew he wanted to know who I was to her, I'm not going to give him that pleasure.

"Does your brother and sisters want something else?" He asks and I have a little smirk on my face.

"We are not related but we are fine for now. We will call you if we want anything else" I say and he looks nervous.

"Can I offer you a drink then?" He asks looking at her.

"I can't drink alcohol, I'm pregnant and he is the dad" She says calmly looking at me and I smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You looked like a couple but normally boyfriends are way more jealous when I approach their hot girlfriend" He says clearly embarrassed.

"You don't pose a threat to me, I have no reason to get jealous" I say resting back on my chair and Maya laughs.

"I'm really sorry, you are really beautiful though, congratulations on the baby"

"You didn't need to say no to him just because I'm here"

"Oh, he is not really my type" She says shrugging while picking up her glass of water.

"Definitely, he had nothing to do with your baby daddy" Mariana says and Camila laughs while a pissed-off Maya turned to look at them.

"Don't be like that" Maya says laughing with Camila.

"So, I am your type uh?" I ask amused by the way this conversation is going.

"She has never been with anyone but we are almost sure you are her ideal type, physically and personality-wise" Camila says happily.

"You are my type, there is no reason to deny that. I mean, you are almost everyone's type" Maya says relaxed and I smile, I like this.

"I'm glad to know that because you fit my ideal type, I just never seemed to find anyone inside that type" I say being honest and she nods a bit suspicious.

"So, you just wasted a few years with somebody who didn't fit your type physically? You are brave" Mariana says surprised and I laugh.

"I tried, I liked her very much and she was insistent since the beginning so I just let it go. I went on dates and then suddenly we were boyfriend and girlfriend. But she started pestering me for marriage, kids, and a house, and to stop what I'm doing. I can't stop something I love so much, I may not be the best but I'm one of the best, that's why I got where I got" I say as they all listened carefully.

"Wait, she wanted you to quit your career? The one that is your childhood dream?" Maya asks completely surprised.

"She did, she was making a lot of requests, then they were more like demands than requests. I was getting ignored and I put a stop to it. I can't get rid of everything I want to do just because it doesn't fit what she wanted. I wasn't ready for that yet, I didn't lie. I'm ready for it now but it's because it's you. You don't demand things from me, you don't seem to see a problem in my job or whatever. You may have but I don't think you are one to demand. You are someone who prefers to talk about the options and share feelings" I say and she smiles.

"I would never do that. There are compromises and we will always get to one, there is no need for demands and ultimatums. I resolve problems by talking and each one has right to talk" She says and I notice the girls were smiling too.

"That's what I like about you. You are genuine and you think about others. I feel safe moving on with you" I say and she hugs me.

"You are a very genuine person too Carlos" She says while we hugged and I couldn't have a bigger smile right now.

We requested some dessert and went for a walk around the beach, tomorrow there would be more to be seen and we were tired from the car trip. I know I was, I took a good shower, I laid in bed and I was grateful for the day I had.

"Carlos" I hear her voice quietly calling from outside my bedroom so I get up wearing my shorts and open the door to see Maya there with a big shirt on.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit anxious, can I sleep with you? Mariana and Camila are sleeping already, 4 hours in a car ended us" She says with a small smile, I step aside so she could come inside and I lay in bed by her side.

"What is making you anxious? Did something happen? Do you need help?"

"I- It has been a long time since I've been such a long time on a car, it makes me anxious" She says and I nod as she laid her head on my chest.

"I hope my driving skills didn't make you nervous, if so you can tell me and I will stop whatever makes it worse. I now know so I will be more careful" I say starting to caress her hair slowly.

"Thank you Carlos. You are the best" She says with a sleepy voice and I smile.

I knew she had fallen asleep in a few minutes and I couldn't help but smile knowing she was laying on my chest and clearly not feeling as anxious as when she got here. She was even more gorgeous when she slept, even if in the middle of the night when I woke up all I could see was hair. I couldn't even see her face through all the hair.

But in the morning when we both woke up and I looked at her, I knew she was the most gorgeous woman I've ever slept with and I'm happy she is the mother of my child in all honesty.

Moving On ✩ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now