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♪ 'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was ♪

Maya Martinez POV

I was in labor for a few hours when it was finally time to push, in 15 minutes I saw Carlos being called to cut the umbilical cord. He did so and they gave the baby to him. The little one was crying, then Carlos started crying and as soon as he put the baby in my arms I was sobbing.

"He is so beautiful" I say as the nurse took him to be checked out.

"Thank you, baby. You were the best and he is just perfect" Carlos says caressing my face and I smile.

"I am so happy he is healthy" I say and he nods.

"He is completely okay and ready to be with his mother for a little while. You are all okay down there, there is no tearing that needs stitches, We will get you a pad with ice to prevent any swelling that can come" The doctor says giving me the baby. I smile looking at him, I would give my life for this little creature who looks like an angel. He has Carlos' hair obviously.

"Thank you so much" Carlos says gratefully and I could only hold the baby I carried for almost 9 months.

"We could have you take a shower before the lactation consultant comes and the dad can stay with the baby while we do so. You will be more comfortable once you are all set" The nurse says after a few minutes and I nod.

"We can do that, thank you" I say and Carlos picks the baby up.

They helped me get to the shower. I was sore in almost my whole body. I put on some form-fitting underwear with pads because of the vaginal bleeding I was going to have for the next few days. I sat on a pillow they had there and Carlos gave me the baby back. He was delighted, his eyes were shining, his smile was huge and he was just listening to everything even though it didn't affect him.

"You can have what we call afterpains. It's because of the uterus contracting, putting something warm on your lower belly can help with the pain. The biggest thing we have to warn ypu about is the baby blues, people are excited to have the baby but because of the hormone changes, they feel sad in the weeks following the birth. Share your feelings with your partner, allow people you trust to help, confide in people, and share your feelings. It isn't always a sign of postpartum depression but if it goes on for more than a few weeks you should consult a specialist" She explains even though I knew I had read about it but it felt real now and I was kind of nervous.

"I will pay attention to everything. Thank you so much" I say looking at the sleeping baby that was on my arms. He was so quiet.

"What is the name of this beautiful baby boy?" The doctor asks looking at him with a smile.

"Mateo Martinez Sainz" Carlos says and I smile, it sounds good and we settled on it a long time ago.

"That is a gorgeous name. I will bring the papers so we can register him comfortably here" She says before leaving.

The next hour the lactation consultant came here and explained everything I needed to know and we took care of the baby's registration. Finally, it was just us there and I felt peace, utter peace. He was here, he was healthy and he was perfect.

"I can't believe this happened" Carlos says looking at both of us.

"Neither can I, it was all so sudden. I can't believe he is finally here" I say looking at him.

"Thank you, Maya, I can't thank you enough" He says giving me a quick kiss and I smile. He leaves for the bathroom and comes back while drying his hands

"Your phone is buzzing" I say and he nods picking it up.

"It's Mariana" He says before picking it up. "Hello there ladies" He says putting it on speaker.

"How is everything going? We have been here for an hour while expecting some news" Camila says worriedly.

"I will go get you" He says before hanging up.

"You can't be mean" I say and he laughs.

"They will like it more as a surprise" He says giving me a kiss on the forehead and I hear their voices a few minutes later.

"You have to tell me if my best friend is alright. Who do you think you ar-?" I hear Mariana complaining and when he opens the door they both shut up.

"He is so pretty" Camila says with tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe he is here already. Look at his cute little hand" Mariana says pouting.

"It was all worth it" I say as happy as I could ever be.

"We will let you rest for a bit, you deserve it. Will you get home tomorrow?" Mariana asks curiously.

"Yeah, I will sleep here and we should be home after lunch. You can come by if you want" I say and they nod.

"Congratulations on the gorgeous baby, you deserve it more than anyone" Mariana says giving Carlos a hug and Camila does the same.

"I'm really happy it all went fine. I will see you tomorrow" Camila says before leaving the room with Mariana.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks after we put the baby in his bed. He had his milk and slept peacefully. Is he going to be this quiet? I sure hope so.

"I'm better than ever. It hurt, I'm not going to lie but I would do it all over again. I know I turned our lives upside down but it is worth it to me. It all feels so real now" I say looking at him amazed at the gorgeous baby we both made.

"I would go through it all again. If my life lead up to this moment I would repeat every good and bad moment. I wouldn't trade this for a championship" He says and I smile looking at him.

"This year you will do just fine. I want us to see you win, I know you can make it happen" I say and he nods.

"If I do win, it will be in your honor. To the brave and beautiful mother of my child" He says running his hand through y hair.

I fell asleep and when I woke up with a crying baby I saw Carlos had a bed just for him with a little crib in the middle. W both sat down and laughed at each other.

"I don't think there's a lot I can do. I will change his diaper but you are the one who can give him the goodies" He says making me laugh more.

"That seems fair" I say and he does as he said.

And I was happy. This is the moment we waited and it couldn't be more perfect.

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