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♬ I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts
I know we didn't make sense ♬

Maya Martinez POV

I can't believe this year is already ending. It was such an emotional rollercoaster. I am at my highest and now I am a month away from giving birth to our baby boy. I am scared, I am not going to lie but I am eager for the day to come. I want to have this baby in my arms.

"It's almost midnight" Mariana says excitedly as everyone was getting the champagne glasses ready.

"The counting is about to start" I say looking at the tv where it marked the 30 seconds for 2022.

"Step aside, please. You had her for the last few years, it's my turn ladies" Carlos says coming to my side and they both laugh.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR" Everyone screams as the zero showed up on the screen and I feel Carlos' lips on mine.

"Happy new year cariño" Carlos whispers hugging me.

"Happy new year Carlos" I say with a smile and I see Mariana and Camila smiling. Carlos opened the champagne while everyone tried not to get hit with the cork.

"To a very happy year with our new members and to a very happy family" Reyes says raising her glass while everyone had theirs already full, I had kids' champagne, which was fair.

"To a very successful year in your career because you deserve it too" I say to Carlos as he came back to my side.

"I will have a win this year. It's about time" He says confidently.

"To a very healthy baby and a not very difficult newborn phase. We are all here to help" Ana says coming to our side and smiling.

"We will be just fine, nobody needs to worry about that" I say calmly.

Time went by and we had a lot of fun. Everyone eventually divided themselves through the rooms. His parents lived close by so they went to their house, and so did the grandparents. This year seemed promising but I was still nervous about Carlos, I didn't know if he could handle his career and a newborn. It would be easier until the season began again. I am praying that no complications arise either for me or the baby.

Days went by and I was relaxing with Mariana and Camila. Carlos was in Italy, because of Ferrari. He had gone there 2 days ago, today is the 6th so Mariana and Camila came to keep me company and to give me their Christmas gifts. Camila gave me the cutest frame with the pictures I took every month of my pregnancy and another of the pictures I took with Carlos. She brought two of each so Carlos could have it too.

"Did you like it?" She asks excitedly and I nod with tears in my eyes.

"That's why you wanted me to take another picture last week?" I ask and she nods. "Thank you so much, you are the sweetest, I loved it" I say hugging her tightly and she smiles.

"This is mine" Mariana says giving me the little box she bought. They are both very emotional people, I know her gift is just like Camila's and it's supposed to be meaningful, at least emotionally.

"Thank you" I say picking it up and start opening it.

I had an album to put pictures and phrases of the first year of the baby. The second book was a journal with various questions and spaces for both parents to put their thoughts there for the whole year.

"This means a lot, especially the journal. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions so this will come in handy" I say hugging them tightly.

My gift was something Carlos helped me pick. He gave me an unlimited budget, I didn't care. I wasn't going to use it but he made me. I bought Camila the Dyson hair thingy and a really expensive coffee machine for Mariana because she lives for coffee. I had the budget version of both of these when I got home but Carlos saw them, returned them, and brought home the best he could find. He said they deserved it.

"This is crazy" Camila says completely shocked.

"I can't believe it. I only saw these on celebrities' homes" Mariana says completely amazed looking at the huge coffee machine.

"Carlos helped, you would never spend so much of his money. What did he get you?" Camila asks curiously.

"Nothing I guess" I say and they both look at me like I was crazy.

"Didn't he call you today?" Mariana asks finding it weird.

"He did. He called to know how I was, he doesn't have to get me anything" I say nonchalantly.

"But he did. It's Carlos, he got you something" Mariana says confidently and I laugh.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Camila asks getting up and I shake my head, she heard a car outside and so did I.

"Not from what I know" I say as she went to the window.

"Hello there beautiful ladies" I hear Carlos say as he entered the house with a smile.

"What are you doing here? I thought you would be there for longer" I say surprised and going to where he was.

"I would never leave the super pregnant lady that I live with alone for too long" He says greeting the girl after giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"They loved the gifts" I say and he smiles happily.

"I'm glad, are we going to see yours?" He asks and I look confusedly at him.

"Mine? You got me a gift? I told you not to get me anything" I say crossing my arms and he laughs.

"That is never going to happen. I will give you whatever I want to" He says calmly.

"Where is it?" I ask curiously.

"Not in this house. Put on a jacket, it's cold outside. You should come too girls" He says and we obey.

We put our jackets on and follow him to his car. What did this man plan? I'm feeling ultimately scared.

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