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♪ I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead ♪

Maya Martinez POV

To say I was shocked is an understatement. I was completely blindsided. I never thought I would be able to enter this house again, I was denied the opportunity multiple times. I never thought someone would do this for me. I was taking everything in knowing I could never repay him for what he has done. I entered my parents' bedroom and I smiled.

Their wedding picture was perfectly framed on top of the bed. My mom's favorite perfume was there, my dad's pajamas were tossed on the bed and my moms' were tidied up by her side of the bed. Two opposites who loved each other as much as anyone could imagine.

"Can we sign the documents? I will find a way to pay you back every cent" I ask turning around and he nods quickly.

"And I will make sure I won't ever accept a dime from you. Let's sign it, you will be a proud homeowner" He says making space for me to go ahead.

The man gave us the papers but Carlos was the one who read them and approved it. His lawyer wrote it up and he wanted to make sure no change was made. I signed it, the man gave me the keys and left. I sat and took it all in. This is mine. I couldn't even make myself believe it still.

"Were you ever in Italy?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course. This has been planned for a long time. Italy was just a step back that I thought was going to screw the timeline over. We should leave, all this dust can be prejudicial for you two. I will be hiring someone to clean it up while you watch" He says and I get up nodding.

"Give me a second" I say going to my room and picking up the little box that was left unopened. I go to him, he smiles coming closer and kissing my head.

"Did you like it? I may have taken it too far. I didn't want to give you a meaningless gift" He says nervously and I stop to look at him.

"I loved it Carlos. I may never be able to show you how much this meant to me and how much I appreciate you and your presence in my life" I say looking him in the eyes.

"I'm glad, I would never want to hurt you or disappoint you" He says softly touching my cheek.

"Yeah, I think that is the last thing we should worry about" I say letting out a laugh before kissing him. He kissed me back and smiles when we finally stopped.

"Let's go before they die of shock in my car" He says laughing and I had forgotten completely about the girls. We head back and they were just quietly staring into nothing. I opened the door and they seemed to wake up from their trance.

"Are you okay?" Mariana asks worriedly and I nod while putting the seatbelt on.

"I'm great. I just had a dream come true, I can't complain. Can you help me clean it up before the baby comes?" I ask and they nod excitedly.

"Is that the gift?" Mariana asks looking at the little box in my hands, I always thought it was jewelry but they never gave me jewelry so I was in doubt.

"Yeah, I will open it at home. There is too much going on right now. I need to calm down or this kid will come earlier than expected" I say letting out a laugh, they do the same and lean back more relaxed.

"Can you have dinner with us?" Carlos asks looking at them through the rearview mirror and they look at me.

"I think you and Maya should have dinner together, the little one will be here in no time. Have some alone time while you can" Camila says and I laugh.

"I think we will be just fine, don't worry" I say nonchalantly.

"I will leave the two ladies at the apartment and I will take the miss out to dinner" He says pleased by the answer and I shake my head.

He did exactly as he said, he left them at the apartment and we went to a close by restaurant. We didn't have our order and Mariana was already sending me pictures of the coffee machine and the coffee she just made with it.

"Mariana is already enjoying the new fancy coffee" I say and he laughs.

"I would almost bet that Camila is taking a shower and will send you videos using the Dyson, just like Mariana did" He says laughing.

"I got some packages yesterday with my name and when I opened them I saw they were merch from Ferrari, mostly for the baby. They sent socks, onesies, shirts, hats, gloves, and jackets. I can't even tell you how many pieces there were"I say laughing and he seems surprised.

"I didn't ask them for that but that is definitely cute. Ferrari baby merch is definitely a flex and a new thing" He says amused.

"Yeah, he will definitely be a Ferrari fan, it won't matter if you change teams. I think this will be a lifelong supply" I say, and we laugh.

"Everyone is a Ferrari fan cariño" He says confidently and our food finally arrives. It looked heavenly and I was hungrier than I expected, the whole situation made me hungry I guess.

"Thank you, for everything. I mean it Carlos" I say and he smiles.

"Thank you, for being you. I really mean it. You and the little guy were the best gifts I could've ever gotten. I will do my best to keep you both happy, whatever it takes. So, no thanks and no debts and whatever. Let's think about the future and not the past" He says giving me an encouraging smile and I nod smiling back, it's almost contagious.

I'm glad the labor is on winter break or I don't know if I could do it without him and his encouragement. He says a lot of dumb things and stupid jokes but he always knows what to say and when to say it. And I like that, a lot.

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