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♪ I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow ♪ 

Carlos Sainz POV

The next day they were both checked up and they were fine to go home. I got the car seat and we both went to the car. He slept peacefully so we went in front and she looked exhausted but better than yesterday obviously.

"Thanks for the cute clothes because I look like shit" She says letting out a laugh.

"You look great cariño. And you had the clothes in the bag, I can't take the credit for that" I say and she nods.

"You bought them tho. Will you call your parents to come to see him? I thought they were going yesterday" She asks while looking outside from her window.

"Yesterday was about you. Not me. I told them they could come maybe later today once you are settled in. Maybe in a few weeks if it takes that long. They understood it, especially mom" I say and she shakes her head.

"I want them to come and meet him. They are family, close family" She says and I smile.

"I will message them. They were crying when I facetimed them when you feel asleep, they didn't want the pictures I took because they wanted to see him personally" I said smiling widely. I can't believe it, a year ago I left someone I had been with for years because I didn't want this and now I have it and I couldn't control how happy I was.

We got home and I put the car in the garage. She went ahead and we suddenly see the welcome home ballons and there were my parents, sisters and the girls of course. Everyone seemed excited to meet him.

"How are you feeling darling?" My mom asks coming in Maya's direction.

"I'm fine for now. It was worth it" She says happily while everyone gave her a quick hug.

"Can we see him?" Blanca asks excitedly and Maya nods. I pick him up from the car seat and I see my mom's eyes get watery.

"He has your hair! Look at how cute he is" Mom says emotionally.

"He definitely got Maya's nose though" Ana says and everyone laughed. He stretched and started to open his eyes and I was sure he couldn't see but he just looked at me and I couldn't help to smile.

"He has Carlos' tan, he is not white as snow like I was when I was born" Maya says and I notice Mateo trying to see where her voice came from.

"Are you looking for mamá?" I ask and she comes closer.

"Look at this handsome boy looking for me" She says putting her finger on his hand and he kind of smiles.

"What's his name?" My dad asks while everyone was in a circle around us.

"Mateo" Maya says with a smile.

"Oh, that's a cute name. I was dreading another Carlos" Blanca says relieved and we laugh.

"No. There is enough Carlos in this family" Maya says laughing.

"Let's sit down, she had a baby, it's the least we can do" I say and they follow us to the couch. Mom picked him up and everyone did the same while doing their baby voices.

"We did that" Maya says still amazed and I nod.

"We sure did. And it feels even better than I thought it would. Having him in our arms. That was the most fulfilling moment of my life" I say and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I feel like he is going to look a lot like you though" She says making me laugh.

"That's a possibility, the nose can still grow. I hope it doesn't, yours is better than mine"

"Let's give this baby to his mamá or he will get grumpy" Camila says happily as everyone had held him and talked to him, pictures were taken and everyone was smitten with the new baby.

We got into talking quietly while he slept in Maya's arms. He was a quiet baby for now, he looked like a heavy sleeper, and he only woke us up two times to be fed and have his diaper changed. The moment I saw him in her arms yesterday I knew I loved her. I couldn't fool myself. It wasn't the pregnancy or infatuation. I loved this woman.

I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to frame that moment. She looked stunning even with the huge underwear and the huge pad she had to wear. While she complained of stretch marks and being swollen I just could see someone I wanted to hold close. I loved her. I thought about the next one. I thought about the future.

And I definitely thought about what I would feel if she did this with another guy in the future and I hated the feeling, jealously never looked this bad on my mind. I watched her fall asleep after delivering our child and I felt relief that she was okay, that there were no complications. I felt relief that it was her the one having our child and not Isabel or another person.

"Is everything okay?" Maya whispers and I notice I was focused on her and I smile.

"Everything is perfect" I say giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and she smiles, wiping the worry off her face.

"I am really happy that you were the one to give us our first grandson. You are a great woman and you will be a great mother" My dad says proudly and Maya smiles.

"I couldn't be more relieved of the family Mateo got in, he is really lucky to have you all as his family" Maya says happily.

"You have us too, you are family darling" My mom says giving me a wink and I only smile back.

"I mean, Carlos will have to deal with me for the rest of his life probably, 18 years is the minimum we will have to be in contact" Maya says laughing.

"The rest of my life seems nicer though" I say and she nods but a few seconds later looks at me confused. Camila and Mariana understood it immediately and laughed.

"Grandma is calling, she wants to see the little one" Mom says picking up my grandma's facetime.

Quickly everyone in the family met the little one. Everyone video-chatted and saw him, including Caco, who was more than happy for us, he said he couldn't wait for the new motorsport champion to grow up.

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