𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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♫ Like a river, I flow
To the ocean I know ♫

Carlos Sainz POV

It is needless to say that as soon as I got home after having dinner with them, I started planning the vacation. It's the 5th so I will plan the two weeks so we can go visit some isles and relax, we would probably just go around and visit the italian and greek isles. I just want her to relax a little bit and let herself enjoy the moments.

I planned it all and sent her a text warning her the vacation will start Saturday, the 7th, and be back on the 22nd, which was a Sunday. Mariana and Camila confirmed they were already taking those weeks plus the last one so it was no problem. I looked at some activities we could do but it was all about having fun, making memories, and relaxing. 

I kept my routine these two days, I exercised, went for some walks, and facetimed Maya while eating breakfast and then before bed. Saturday comes and I went to pick them up with a rented van because we had to drive almost 4 hours to the place where I kept my yacht. After day we would go to Mallorca and then we would go to all the isles and get to be together.

"Good morning" I say as Camila opens the door.

"You look even better in vacation clothes, unsurprisingly surprising" She says while I go inside and I see their bags by the door.

"Carlos!" I hear Maya's voice from her bedroom.

"What's up?" I ask when I enter her room and she was looking as good as always.

"Can you help me with my two bags? They are more heavy than I expected them to be" She almost begs and I nod.

"Of course. That's not a question to make" I say picking both bags and I take them downstairs, Camila and Mariana bring a bag each and I bring the two bags from them too. 

"Thank you! You are the best Carlos!" Mariana says excitedly when she sees me with their bags.

"No problem girls. Just go get what is left and we can go ahead" I say putting the bags in the trunk and I wait for them to show up. Maya is the first one and she was wearing the Chanel purse I got her. And she was clearly liking it.

"You go on the front" Camila says walking faster and going to the back, Mariana does the same and I open Maya's door.

"Is the perfume the one I bought you?" I ask when I feel the amazing smell.

"Yes, it is" She says with a little smile which widens my smile.

"Glad to know. It was worth very cent" I say closing the door.

I went to the driver's side and started driving, I gave Maya my phone and she was in charge of the music. The travel was pleasant, we sang the entire time, we had fun and I was liking my ide already. We got to Valencia and we went to have lunch in a restaurant by the harbor.

"The view is gorgeous" Maya says excitedly while we waited for our food to arrive.

"Are you feeling good? I hope you don't get sick on the boat, I didn't quite think that through" I say nervous at the though the sea might make her sick, but if it does then I will pay for an hotel and then I would book flights.

"I hope so too. But I will survive it, I'm looking forward to this trip, I don't want to get us all stranded in the closest place we get" She says clearly not amused by the possibility.

"I will make sure we can do what was planned either way, that's not a worry. If there is a will there is a way" I say and she seems relieved to hear those words.

"You two are the cutest" Mariana gushes and I just give her a smile.

"I can't wait to know if you are having a girl or a boy. You two are easily the most attractive couple whenever you enter a room" Camila says excitedly.

"Let's not get too excited, the food is coming ladies" Maya says clearly uncomfortable and I let out a laugh. The waitress gives us our plates and we start eating while sharing a few words here and there.

When the lunch ended they went to the bathroom because they always go as a group and I took the chance to go pay before Maya follows me to try to pay first.

"Hey. Are you Carlos Sainz? I didn't want to bother you while you were with your family" The waitress who served us asks as I was taking out my wallet to pay. I could not see how she thought we were family.

"I am. Thank you for not interrupting lunch. I appreciate it" I say while she was closing our tab.

"Well, are you gonna be around for long? We could go for a drink" She says with a flirtous tone and messing with her hair.

"My girlfriend wouldn't personally appreciate it, I would prefer not to. We have plans already" When I tell you she got embarrassed, she really did.

"Girlfriend? I'm sorry, I thought they were your sisters or something. I saw that you and Isabel broke up, she didn't look like your type" The blonde says completely ashamed of her behaviour but she just wouldn't stop talking.

"She is completely my type. Don't worry. You can keep the change" I say after seeing the total on the screen.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry" She says clearly regretting her life decisions and I let out a laugh.

"What happened? Why was she apologizing?" Maya asks as we headed outside and I shrug.

"Nothing interesting. How are you feeling? Do you want to buy something before we get on the boat?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Let's just go, captain" She laughs as she finishes the sentence and I smile back. I like seeing her happy and relaxed.

This is going to be good.

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