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♪ I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own ♪

Maya Martinez POV

I left for Madrid after the weekend at Silverstone. Carlos had to go to Austria because of the short space between races. I would stay home with the little one and I would probably only appear in France, there are only 3 weeks left for the summer break to start so I'm not worried about it. I will finally have Carlos all to myself for a few weeks.

The first practice in Austria was about to start so I was waiting for the girls to arrive. I heard the bell ring and I see the mailman.

"Good afternoon. I have an urgent drop for Carlos Sainz. Is he home?" The man asks and I confusedly look at the envelope in his hands.

"He is not but I can take it. I live here too" I say and he nods.

"Can you sign it please?" He asks and I nod signing on his device and he leaves.

I had a gut feeling. I searched for the address that sent it. It was a laboratory. He did a paternity test on Mateo. I didn't even care to open the letter. I put it down and called Mariana who quickly picked up. I needed it to be fast before I started crying.

"We are almost there" She says obviously driving and I feel the lump in my throat getting bigger.

"There is no need. I won't be watching anything. I need a few hours by myself. Don't come and don't call me, please. I will call you at the end of the day" I say with a shaky voice, even my hands were shaking terribly.

"Maya. What happened? We can take Mateo if you need some rest" Camila says and I look up to keep my tears from rolling down.

"Please, just- Don't come. I am fine" I hung up the call.

I find the strength to join my little boy on the couch, as if he felt it he turns his body around to face me and his little hand touches his face. Carlos doubted Mateo was his. I would've agreed to a paternity test but this was way more sneaky than what was needed. Mateo is 6 months old, there was no need for Carlos to do this now. He is Carlos' copy. This is breaking my heart more than it should. I should not have allowed it to get to this point. We are over.

I feel numb. I don't know how he could doubt me and how he could ignore the similarities with his own son. But I won't give him the pleasure. I will leave. I will do anything I can so Mateo can see both of his parents as much as Carlos' schedule allows. I won't take this on him. I made some calls and decided what I would do.

Carlos called that night, I took it but made it fast. I did that for the next two weeks. Until I went to meet him in France. I had talked to a lawyer, if Carlos agreed to the custody agreement it would be easy, there would be no need to go to court unless he went against it. I had moved a lot of things to my apartment. The place I grew up in, now Mateo would grow up there too.

I got in the paddock and saw Charles was close by. He waited for me and pushed the stroller for me.

"Maya. Is everything alright? You don't look good" Charles asks worriedly and I shake my head.

"I got a stomach bug, I'm fine" I say trying to give him a smile with no will in myself for that.

I couldn't eat with the stress. I looked at that letter and I felt my heart breaking. Every time I heard his voice and every time he tried to ask what was happening I would feel physically sick. I was heartbroken, I made this to myself.

"Darling, that bug really got the best of you" Reyes says worriedly and I nod.

"I will be fine. A lot of water has been helpful" I say seeing the garage a few steps from me. Caco sees me and smiles widely waving at me. He goes inside and Carlos appears. He sees me and he quickly comes to my encounter.

"Cariño. You didn't tell me it was that bad. I would've gone home" He says holding my face in his hands and I feel my stomach revolving.

"You would've gotten sick too. It's fine" I say and he nods leaning to kiss me but I stop him. "No kisses, you will get sick too"

"This weekend will be hell then" He says while everyone let out a laugh. I have been in hell for two weeks. He can do it too.

It was hell for me too. I had to pretend everything was good because he is driving something that could kill him. I wouldn't drop the bomb before he went in the car. As soon as we got alone after the race I would give him the letter and I would tell him everything I had on my mind.

And here we are. He got 5th, he did the interviews, and he was happy. In the motorhome everyone hugged him, he had Mateo in his arms when he came to me and I felt my heart breaking even more.

"Can we talk? Maybe in your room" I ask stopping his hug and he looks around calling his mom.

"Can you keep him for a few minutes? We need to talk" Carlos asks and she gladly takes back Mateo.

"Of course, we will be here waiting" She knew something was up. I think even Carlos knew because I kept him at arms' length for the whole weekend. I got a different room and I kept to myself. I felt betrayed.

We got to the room and he sits on the bed.

"Can you please tell me what is happening? I am not that stupid Maya. Whatever is happening I can help you, I need to know" He says looking up at me. His eyes had no trace of the happiness they had when he entered the motorhome. He was desperate, no good emotion was there.

"We are over Carlos" I say trying not to show any emotion. He quickly gets up and looks at me like I was crazy.

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