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The other members were already in their own hotel rooms and probably asleep. They were on tour and had a busy schedule tomorrow.
Minho planned to go to bed too, but then he noticed a lone figure standing on their floor's balcony. He grabbed a bag of leftover chips (already opened and halfway eaten by the others) and stepped outside.

Hyunjin was leaning on the railing and looking out into the city's glinting lights. The lighting let him look like an angel - not that this wasn't the case otherwise too, but... Minho still stared. He offered him the chips wordlessly.

While they were eating in silence, Hyunjin looking out in the city and Minho looking at Hyunjin, the older's eyes travelled over the other's face. Hyunjin didn't wear any make up. Minho always thought that the members (not just Hyunjin) were - despite looking gorgeous with make up - even more beautiful barefaced. It was a more intimate and intense kind of beauty this way.

Minho's gaze followed the other's features, cheekbones to nose to lips (hell, those lips) further down to his long neck, where...

'Hyunjin-ah, that better not be what I think it is...', Minho said worried while examining his neck.

The younger instinctively put his fingers right on the red spots blooming there.

'Hickeys, seriously?'

Hyunjin shrugged guilty. 'I may have gotten a bit carried away..'
Minho shook his head, 'Hyunjin, you know the rules. I don't care who or how often you hook up with someone, but don't get us in trouble with it. If our managers see these...'

'I know that.  And I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again. And for now, looks like I'm going to wear high-necked tops the next few days' He chuckeld a bit.

'Oh no, Hyunjin-ah, Stays will be devastated!'

At that, they laughed a while. Comfortable silence followed.
After a few minutes of them peacefully looking into the blinking city lights and munching chips, Hyunjin broke the quiet:

'Don't you understand it?'

'Understand what?'


Minho looked at Hyunjin with a slight frown and wordlessly beckoned him to keep going.

Hyunjin let out a small sigh. 'I don't know. I mean, we're all in our 20 somethings and have never seriously dated anyone, neither have the prospect to do so anytime soon. And hook ups just seem like a nice way to cope. I mean, at least for me. For you not?'

Minho was quiet a long time as he thought about that. Or, more exactly, he tried not to think about one specific person who tried mercilessly to occupy his entire being. Do you want to date? Do you want to hook up with someone? Oh, both. With Jisung. Stop thinking about him, dingbat.

Finally, after he figured what to say without giving his crush away, he answered: 'You know that it's not that easy for me. Firstly, I am not the person for dirty one-night-stands. And for the dating part - well, you know I'm gay. I can't just get involved with people without risking to be outed. Or that there will be gossip. I don't want that, not for me but not for SKZ's sake either...'

Hyunjin huffed at that and suddenly had a small smile on his lips, which made Minho feel like the younger one of the two.

'What?' he asked kinda annoyed.

'Lee Minho, darling, I think you are too stuck up in your head. You worry too much.' The hyung wanted to retort something immediately, but Hyunjin silenced him with a quick wave of his hand and continued: 'You know, these hickeys? I got them last night. I got them from a boy. Not my first, also. And there has never been any talk. Not even most of the members know about this. It's no problem.'

Minho was successfully distracted from Hyunjins actual point, since he was simply too stunned about what the other had just revealed to him.

'You.. you hook up with guys too? Just guys? Or..?'

Hyunjin laughed but then explained, 'I honestly do not care who I hook up with as long as they're hot and at least halfway trustworthy. I don't care about their gender, I'm just horny.'

Minho had to chuckle. Hyunjin smiled satisfied at that.

After a short silence where Minho tried desperately not to ask what he deeply wanted to, he gave up: 'It wasn't one of the members, right?'

'Minho, what? Where are you thinking? Of course not. That would mean so much trouble...'
'Ah, just trouble? So you *are* attracted to some of us?'

'Are you getting your hopes up, hyung?'

Minho just grinned instead of answering, which had both of them burst out in laughing.

They continued eating the remaining chips, talked a bit but not too much, and went to bed soon after.
Nonetheless, Minho felt that their conversation had brought them closer to each other than they had ever been before. And Minho was glad about that new connection.

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