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'You wanna go up to my room for a few more drinks?', Hyunjin asked.

He, Minho and Jisung were sitting in a hotel bar and sipping their (non alcoholic) cocktails. The other members were long gone to bed (or in case of Chan: to work). They all had a stressful tour-day of interviews, fan meetings and practice behind them.

The three remaining boys at the bar were still awake, either due to jetlag or the fact that they were all coffein junkies and happy to drink coffee even late in the evening.

Seeing how Hyunjin's question was a subtle hint that the drinks in their private room wouldn't be as non-alcoholic as the ones down here, neither Minho nor Jisung had any objections.

As soon as they got into Hyunjin's room, he was fast to make an expensive looking bottle of lemon liquor appear out of nowhere.

Hyunjin poured them glasses and downed his as soon as he was ready. The other two were quick to follow. While Jisung grabbed the bottle to pour the next round, Hyunjin said, 'I'll take a quick shower. My sore muscles need that right now. I'll be back in a few minutes.'

'What sore muscles? You don't have any!' Jisung teased. Hyunjin, already on his way to the bathroom, turned and flipped the other of - something he'd never do on camera of course.

'But seriously, Hyunjin-ah, how do you want to survive the next weeks full of hour-long concerts if that little practice already drains you out?', Minho joined in and promptly earned the finger from Hyunjin, too.

Before disappearing in the bathroom, though, the tall boy threw them a few kisses and fingerhearts.

Jisung and Minho giggled happily in response, chinked their glasses as soon as the door shut and sat down on Hyunjin's queen size bed.

Despite having a heavy crush on Jisung since forever, Minho never felt uncomfortable being alone with him. Maybe that was part of why he was so insanely deep in love. Jisung always knew something to say, to talk about and what he needed to do to get small laughs out of the older boy.

Listening to Jisung rant about nothing and everything at the same, while sharing fancy lemon liquor and staring at him, made Minho feel butterflies all over his body. And he was originally planning to distract himself from that boy. With Hyunjin. Hyunjin who was showering next door.

Showering Hyunjin? Good distraction?
Kinda, but not strong enough for Minho to be able to look away from Jisung.

Minho tried to wonder what it was like to kiss Hyunjin. He'd really love to try. But without having Hyunjin infront of him and instead looking at Jisung's pretty lips, he felt how his imagination quickly exchanged the persons.

He sighed and buried all those thoughts deep inside him. Instead he tried to just listen to Jisung rambling and enjoy it.

After a few more minutes of Jisung talking about... what, Minho wasn't exactly sure, and them occasionally taking a sip of their drinks, the bathroom door opened.

Out stepped a freshly showered Hyunjin surrounded by warm misty air and the heavy scent of his vanilla shampoo. His long blonde hair was ruffled and dump, a few drops of water falling down on his shoulders. But that was not the (main) reason why Minho was left speechless.

Hyunjin was wearing a white fine bathrobe. Said bathrobe had such a deep cut neckline that Hyunjin's shoulders were practically entirely bare, sprinkled with the water drops falling out of his hair.

In short: he didn't just look hot but downright ethereal.

Minho gulped and quickly tried to hide his reaction by looking over at Jisung yet he found the other boy gaping at Hyunjin as well. With an actual halfway open mouth.

Gazing back to Hyunjin Minho noticed him standing in the doorway like frozen and staring at both his visitors. Suddenly Minho found himself wondering if the tall boy wore anything under this bathrobe.

Hyunjin shifted his gaze from Minho to Jisung and back. His intense look made him shiver for some reason. He felt as if Hyunjin knew exactly what he was thinking about.

He felt Jisung's gaze wandering to him and then quickly to Hyunjin's appearance again.

'Hyunjin-ah, girl, you look hot as hell!', Jisung finally said in his usual manner. The weird tension in the room broke with that and Hyunjin came over and sat between them on the bed.

Before saying anything, he took his lemon liquor and chugged it down his throat like a shot.

Then he smiled widely and said: 'I absolutely love the bathrobe. I just bought it new and it is by far the best thing I have ever worn. Touch it, the fabric is amazing.'

Jisung was quick to comply and patted Hyunjin's arm. 'Woha, it's so fluffy! I love it!' They giggled excitedly.

Minho had to smile, too. Sitting there, looking at both of them being happy, he couldn't decide for his life who of them he found more attractive.

Oh fuck, his gay ass was in so much trouble.


From now on practically every following chapter will contain smut. But, as I said multiple times already, the smut is really soft and also very slooooww... So see if you like it.

(Ofc I hope you do, but when you don't it's ok too there are lots of other fanfictions out there that you may fall in love with <3)

Take care and spend a nice day!

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