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Their backstage rooms were always crowded and messy and stressful. An armada of make up artists, stylists, security workers and staff members would swarm around the idols.

They had about two hours until the scheduled begin of their concert, which was why the fuss wasn't as bad yet.

Minho was actually just standing around and waiting until it was his turn to get his make up and stage outfit on. Right now though, the stylists were mostly busy with Jeongin and Chan, something about their outfits didn't fit apparently (maybe they worked out too much?), so everyone else patiently waited.

Minho was just about to go and search for a couch or a chair or anything he could sit on for a few minutes, as Jisung stepped infront of him, smiling up to the taller.

The older's heart rate increased within milliseconds, but he'd never admit that.
To be on the safe side, he's always kept his space between him and both Jisung and Hyunjin as long as they were around cameras, the staff or even the other members. He didn't want to risk anything, and neither did the other two.

Hence, he was surprised to see Jisung's gaze slowly and much more suggestive leave his eyes and wander down to his lips, just to look back up again after a few tense seconds. A small mischievous smile tugged at Jisung's lips and now it was Minho's turn to stare.

Suddenly Hyunjin appeared right behind him, leaning in closely. Minho was immediately surrounded by his unique scent. He felt the blonde's warm breath hitting his ear, carrying a silent whisper.

'Wanna have a glass of lemon liquor?'

A shiver run down Minho's back at the memory of their last shared sips of the liquor. By now, said lemon liquor had established itself as some kind of code word for them, which they used to talk about their secret when others were around.

'We have a concert in less than two hours' Minho weakly argued.

'More than enough time...' Hyunjin whispered in Minho's ear. He drew the last word out, meanwhile exhaling hot breath, which made the other's skin tingle. Minho could have sworn that he felt Hyunjin's lips at the back of his ear, too.

He wasn't physically able to resist. His nod came hesitant yet was answered with silent cheers from the other two.


No one noticed the three idols disappearing.

They run down the next aisle, holding each others' hands and slipped in the first first room with an open door. It was just a spare room with dim lightning and full of dusty clothing.

Minho closed the door and locked it, then pushed Jisung against it, smashing their lips together. Hyunjin pressed himself against them until Minho was sandwiched between Jisung's front and the blonde at his back.

Their body heat was burning him up from the inside, hot breaths caught between their mouths, their warm skin rubbing against each other.

They knew they hadn't much time before their stylists would start to look for them, which let them feel a weird thrill, making every movement more urgent and passionate.

Minho bit Jisung's earlobe, letting out a muffled groan between his teeth. Then he whispered something in his ear, just about loud enough that Hyunjin, who was busy sucking Jisung's bottom lip, could hear it too.

'I want you to do to me what you did to Hyunjin the first night.'

At that, Jisung pulled back surprised.
'You sure?' he asked panting, while a small grin tugged at his lips.

'Yes' Minho said, placing a quick peck first on Jisung's mouth, then Hyunjin's, 'I trust you guys.'

And he did. With everything they tried out with each other over the last weeks, he's always felt safe and more and more comfortable with sexual actions. He'd never thought it possible that he would find someone in his life he trusted enough to reach the point of physical closeness which he did with them. Their respect and concern for his boundaries was sincere and loving. They never asked or demanded reasons and - much more importantly - they never ever begged him to do something. Minho was thankful to have them and by now more than eager to try out more.

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