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Not after long, they had changed their positions: Jisung had crawled on top of Minho and pushed Hyunjin down, now bending over him while his knee was placed firmly between Minho's legs.

They were all out of breath, with messy hair and flushed cheeks. Jisung was shirtless by now and Minho couldn't even remember if it was him or Hyunjin who was responsible for that. Not that he cared. He was just glad that he got to see his crush shirtless, with swollen lips and gasping for air. You get the idea.

When Hyunjin grabbed Minho's shirt to get rid of it too, the older flinched away, though. The others stopped dead in their movements and looked at him worried.

'Are you alright?' Hyunjin asked carefully. His voice was slightly hoarse yet still sounded caring.

Minho looked up at Jisung, the younger wearing a concerned face, too. The fact that they stopped immediately when they noticed something was wrong and now both seemed so worried about him made Minho's heart swell. He had no doubt they would stop all that here for him, no matter how charged the situation was.

He let out a short huff and said 'I'm ok. Don't worry. I just...' he took a deep breath 'I just prefer to stay clothed.'

Hyunjin and Jisung exchanged a quick glance, then looked back to Minho. Jisung smiled reassuringly 'That's alright. No problem..'

Hyunjin nodded and added: 'Are you comfortable with us undressing?'

Minho grinned. 'Hell yes.'

He was touched by their consideration. He usually tended to avoid sexual situations, as he quickly felt uncomfortable and sometimes even anxious. Yet here, with two people he was insanely close to and knew he could trust them, he was slowly relaxing - especially after seeing their concern.

'I'm sorry' he said nonetheless. Hyunjin was fast to shake his head. 'You don't have anything to apologize for. Boundaries are natural - and thank you for telling us. If we are really doing this, we should ensure everyone's comfortable.'

Jisung smiled and nodded along. 'Also, you are so fucking hot in those shorts, there's no need to see you naked, honestly.'

At that, Minho buried his blushing face in the pillows while Jisung and Hyunjin giggled excited. He heard Hyunjin say 'Well, you got a point there.'

The older then felt Jisung placing a sloppy kiss first on his ear and next on his neck. Needless to say that he got goosebumps from this.

Jisung whispered to him: 'Are you ok with continuing?'

Minho lifted his head wearing a wide smile on his lips.

'How about Hyunjin next?' he asked while looking pointedly at Jisung's bare chest.

'Hey, hey, just before we forget ourselves again; Minho, if anything makes you uneasy or uncomfortable don't hesitate to tell us, ok? We will stop. And by the way, same goes for Jisung and me, alright?'

Minho could kiss him for saying that. And since why not, he did. Just a quick smooch on the lips but it left everyone smiling. 'Alright.' he said.

Jisung now shared a quick grin with Minho - the two of them communicating their plan without any words. Then, the younger boy leaned down and started kissing Hyunjin aggressively, with an open mouth so that Minho could see their tongues moving.

He turned to them, resting on his elbow. Jisung felt him moving and snapped Hyunjin's wrists, pinning them down on the blonde's stomach (which still was covered by the fine bathrobe). Minho instantly understood and put his hands on Hyunjin's collarbones.

His skin was warm and glowing from a thin layer of sweat. The older then slipped his hands under the hems of the bathrobe, grabbing them (they were right, the fabric *was* extremely fluffy).

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