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About a week later, Hyunjin and Minho laid next to each other on once another hotel bed, Hyunjin naked but wrapped in a blanket and Minho in boxer shorts and sleeveless shirt. They both were watching Jisung, who stood at the room's window, looking out in the city lights.

He was just wearing boxer shorts, and had a towel wrapped around his slender waist. This way, one had perfect view of his naked back; from his wide shoulders you could follow the delicate lines of small muscles under his clean skin, which led downwards to his elegant waist. Minho just wanted to put his hands on it, remembering how it would fit perfectly and make his heart flutter.

After a few long seconds of silent staring, Minho noticed Hyunjin wasn't looking at Jisung anymore but instead watching him with a knowing smile. He rolled his eyes at the younger, who let out a small huff.

Then Hyunjin said with a short look on his phone, 'Guys, I gotta go now. Chan wants to talk to me about my song.'

'This late? He should sleep at this hour, not talk to you about music.' Jisung said after a moment. He turned to watch Hyunjin stand up and begin to search for his clothes.

'You know him', the blonde answered shrugging while putting on his pants.

Minho turned and watched him too. 'What song, by the way?'

'A four minute song where I confess my eternal and superior love for messy one-night-stands and unconditional sex, preferably with more than one person at the same time, what else?'

There was a short silence.

'...you serious?'

'No, dumbass. Of course not. Chan would never allow me to publish something like that.'

Minho raised his eyebrows at that. 'He did Red Lights with you after all. Don't underestimate him, I think he'd be open-minded about that stuff.'

'Please don't get him ideas' Jisung laughed, blew a kiss at now completely dressed Hyunjin and turned back to the window.

Before he left, Hyunjin bend down to Minho one final time, kissing his ear and whispering quietly, so that just the two of them could hear: 'Make your move, honey.'
He threw a meaningful glance at Jisung.

Minho blushed slightly and shooed the other out of the room. Hyunjin went, but not without calling back 'Have fun, kids!' in an overly sweet voice.

Then Minho went back to watching Jisung. In some way, Hyunjin was right, he thought. It was past time to get things clear with his crush. Well, of course Jisung was by now way more than a crush for him.

With a heavy sigh, Minho stood up and walked over to the other, coming to stand behind him, not quite close enough that their skins touched. Over Jisung's shoulder, he could look through the window as well.

Outside, it was pouring. The raindrops on the window blurred the city lights, creating a warm and cozy vibe inside their room. Minho was aware of every inch that separated him and Jisung, of every little movement and breath he took.

Then, suddenly, Jisung leaned back a bit, closing the distance so that his shoulders were brushing against Minho's chest. The taller immediately slung his arms around Jisung, yearning for his skin to feel the body warmth emerging from him.

Their bodies were made for each other. They clicked perfectly. Minho could feel Jisung's heartbeat increasing under his hand, and he knew that Jisung was able to feel his own heart pounding faster and faster.

He leaned forward, brushing his nose tenderly against the younger's neck. Jisung willingly tipped his head sideways, exposing more of his neck. Minho began to plant little kisses on it, simultaneously tightening their hug, pulling Jisung as close to him as possible.

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