bonus chapter ~ never have I ever

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They loved that game.
They would play it every free minute they had. Sometimes with their staff, but most times without. Sometimes with actual alcoholic shots, but most times without.

By now, it was downright a contest between them to think of the most exciting questions.

Today, they'd usually have dance practice. But seeing how they just danced the new choreo without a single mistake three times in a row, they agreed to take a break.

Sitting in a circle on the ground of their dance studio with their water bottles in front of them, the youngest immediately began with the game: 'Never have I ever... Done something without our managers consent.'

Hyunjin took a sip without hesitation. Jisung thought a moment, then asked: 'Do you mean something that we know he wouldn't approve if he knew about it or something that he has explicitly told us not to do?'

'The first one', Jeongin answered after short consideration.

Now all the others took their sips too; even Chan and Seungmin, when a bit more hesitantly.

Chan shook is head chuckling. 'This is so bad...'

'Yeah we are such bad boys' Jisung said mocking, because honestly no one actually cared. As long as their manager didn't get to know things, they were safe.

'Ok, not to kill the fun', Seungmin, who was next, said 'but I kinda want to know more: Never have I ever done something without the manager's consent - something that he has explicitly forbidden.'

Hyunjin, again, was the first one to take a proud sip. Just Felix and Changbin followed this time. All three of them got a sharp look from Chan. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before saying: 'I think I don't wanna know. Everyone is happier this way.'

'Please don't be disappointed in us, daddy' Hyunjin said in a little-girl-voice while blinking at Chan through his lashes.

Chan pulled his usual face (the one he has when they remind him how old he is), as he was used to such comments by now while the other members laughed.

'My turn' Jisung said happily. He thought for a moment, then grinned. 'Never have I ever hooked up with a fan'

Once more, Hyunjin was the first one to take a sip. Felix, Changbin and Jeongin followed suit.
Everyone's jaws dropped as Chan rolled his eyes and took a sip from his bottle too.

'Uhhhh, daddy!' Jisung screamed.

'Shut up!' Chan said while blushing slightly. 'It was one single time...' He buried his face in his hands.

Changbin patted his back sympathetically and then continued: 'While we're at this.. Never have I ever hooked up with one of our staff members'

'You're lucky that we aren't playing with actual alcohol...' Minho said while they watched Hyunjin take his sip as the only one of them.

'Who was it?' Seungmin asked carefully.

'Well... It wasn't just one..' Hyunjin sounded hesitantly.

'Who, Hyunjin?'

With that stern tone, Chan got him talking: 'Do you remember that one make-up artist? She was so pretty and we started talking and then we had a thing for like two weeks - which ended as soon as I understood that she had a huge crush on Felix, but that's another story. And then there was a bodyguard, on our last tour I think, and hell, he had a body like a Greek God, so who am I to say no to that? I could barely walk the next three days, but it was absolutely worth it. Let me think, who else was there? Ah, that nice photographer? She was about ten years older than me, but...'

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